188BET靠谱吗Introducing ZoteroBib: Perfect bibliographies in minutes

188BET靠谱吗We think Zotero is the best tool for almost anyone doing serious research, but we know that a lot of people — including many students — don't need all of Zotero's power just to create the occasional bibliography.

Today, we're introducing188BET靠谱吗ZoteroBib, a free service to help people quickly create perfect bibliographies.

188BET靠谱吗An animation of viewing a New York Times article, copying the URL to ZoteroBib to add a bibliography item, and copying the bibliography to Google Docs

188BET靠谱吗Powered by the same technology behind Zotero, ZoteroBib lets you seamlessly add items from across the web — using Zotero's unmatched metadata extraction abilities — and generate bibliographies in more than 9,000 citation styles.There's no software to install or account to create, and it works on any device, including tablets and phones.Your bibliography is stored right on your device — in your browser's local storage — unless you create a version to share or load elsewhere, so your data remains entirely under your control.

188BET靠谱吗ZoteroBib is completely free: we don't bombard you with ads or charge you (or your school) money for full functionality or more advanced citation styles.188BET靠谱吗And since it's built by the team behind Zotero, and backed by the same open-source community, you can count on the same expertise and attention to detail that people rely on when they write dissertations and scholarly papers using Zotero.

188BET靠谱吗To add an item to your bibliography, simply find it online in another tab and paste the URL into the ZoteroBib search box.You can also paste or type in an ISBN, DOI, PubMed ID, or arXiv ID, or you can search by title.188BET靠谱吗ZoteroBib will fetch bibliographic info for the item and add it to your bibliography.188BET靠谱吗ZoteroBib can import high-quality data from journal articles, books, newspaper and magazine articles, blog posts, webpages, and more.If it doesn't find what you're looking for or the data is incomplete, the manual editor allows you to enter data by hand.

As you write, you can quickly copy citations with page numbers to the clipboard for pasting into your document:

Copy Citation dialog with a page number entered

When you're done, a single click copies a formatted bibliography to the clipboard for pasting into your word processor, or you can generate a bibliography in HTML to add to a webpage.188BET靠谱吗And of course, if you find you need a bit more power, you can easily save your data to Zotero or export it for loading into any other reference manager.

188BET靠谱吗Go to ZoteroBib

188BET靠谱吗Not sure whether ZoteroBib or Zotero is right for you?See the188BET靠谱吗ZoteroBib FAQ.

188BET靠谱吗(Finally, if you're a happy Zotero user, stay tuned: we'll be bringing some features from ZoteroBib back to the Zotero web interface soon!)

188BET靠谱吗Zotero 5.0.36: New PDF features, faster citing in large documents, and more

188BET靠谱吗The latest version of Zotero introduces some major improvements for PDF-based workflows, a new citing mode that can greatly speed up the use of the word processor plugin in large documents, and various other improvements and bug fixes.

New PDF features

Improved PDF metadata retrieval

188BET靠谱吗While the "Save to Zotero" button in the Zotero Connector is the best way to save high-quality metadata and associated PDFs to Zotero, Zotero's "Retrieve Metadata for PDF" feature provides an alternative when you already have a PDF and want to quickly add it to your Zotero library as a citable item.

188BET靠谱吗Traditionally, "Retrieve Metadata for PDF" has been a manual operation that relied on Google Scholar for some files, and long-time Zotero users know that trying to retrieve metadata for many PDFs at once could result in Google temporarily blocking access, causing the feature to stop working.

188BET靠谱吗Zotero 5.0.36 introduces a completely new PDF recognizer, using a Zotero-designed web service that doesn't rely on Google Scholar and that allows large numbers of PDFs to be recognized without rate limits.188BET靠谱吗The Zotero client will send the first few pages of a PDF to the web service, which uses a variety of extraction algorithms and known metadata from CrossRef, paired with DOI and ISBN lookups from the client as before, to build a parent item for the PDF.188BET靠谱吗The Zotero lookup service doesn't require a Zotero account and doesn't log any data about the content or results of searches.No data is now sent to Google Scholar.

188BET靠谱吗Using this new service, Zotero will now automatically attempt to retrieve metadata for PDFs you add, whether that's via drag-and-drop, "Link to File…"/"Store Copy of File…", or clicking the "Save to Zotero" button on a PDF in the browser.(In a browser, we still recommend saving from the article page when possible.)

188BET靠谱吗Automatic metadata retrieval after a PDF is dragged into Zotero

If you're not happy with the results or want to add the parent item another way, you can right-click on the new parent item and select "Undo Retrieve Metadata".188BET靠谱吗There's also a "Report Inaccurate Metadata" option to send the first few pages of the PDF and the retrieved metadata to Zotero developers for review.

You can disable automatic metadata retrieval in the General pane of the preferences.

Automatic renaming

188BET靠谱吗When PDFs are added to existing Zotero items or metadata is retrieved for a PDF, Zotero will now automatically rename the file based on the parent metadata.This applies to both linked and stored files.188BET靠谱吗A future version of Zotero will provide additional options for customizing the naming format.

You can disable automatic renaming from the General pane of the preferences.(Files saved along with items from web translators have always been automatically renamed and aren't affected by this setting.)

Custom PDF viewer setting

188BET靠谱吗Zotero opens PDFs using the system PDF viewer by default, but you can now choose a different PDF viewer to use for files from Zotero.This might come in handy if you're happy with your system default for most PDFs but there's a particular program you prefer to use for annotations (or if you're just not sure how or are unable to change your system default).

188BET靠谱吗'Open PDFs using' setting in the Zotero preferences

Faster citing in large documents

188BET靠谱吗When you insert a citation into a document using Zotero's word processor plugin, Zotero needs to scan the entire document for citations to ensure correct formatting.Citation style requirements such asibidor name disambiguation mean that the format of a given citation may depend on the citations that precede it, and bibliographies depend on the presence of, and in some cases the order of, all citations in the document, including any that may have been deleted or moved around since a citation was last inserted.

In longer documents, scanning the entire document can take multiple seconds or even minutes, and these updates can become disruptive to the writing process.Common workarounds include splitting up long documents into chapters or using less-demanding citation styles during writing to increase the speed of citation inserts.

188BET靠谱吗Zotero 5.0.36 adds the ability to disable automatic updates and defer citation updating until a manual refresh is triggered.With automatic updates disabled, citation inserts will remain instantaneous regardless of the size of the document.

To disable automatic updates, click the Document Preferences button in the word processor plugin and uncheck "Automatically Update Citations":

188BET靠谱吗Zotero Document Preferences window with Automatically Update Citations unchecked

To illustrate how citation inserting works with updates disabled, let's look at an example.Say we've added a citation for a paper by Jessica Smith using APA style:

Citation for '(Smith, 2017)'

188BET靠谱吗If we then insert a paper by James Smith, Zotero will create a citation in the default format required by the style without taking into account other citations in the document:

Citations for '(Smith, 2017)' and '(Smith, 2018)' with a dashed underline on the latter

188BET靠谱吗Zotero adds a dashed underline below newly added citations to remind us that they haven't been updated (though keep in mind that existing citations later in the document might also now be incorrect).

It also replaces the bibliography with a warning:

Automatic citation updates are disabled.188BET靠谱吗To see the bibliography, click Refresh in the Zotero plugin.

We can quickly insert citations this way without waiting for each update.188BET靠谱吗When we're ready to submit our document, we click the Zotero plugin's Refresh button:

Citations for '(Jessica Smith, 2017)' and '(James Smith, 2018)'

188BET靠谱吗Zotero scanned the document and updated the citations and bibliography to conform to the style rules, which in this case require disambiguation for lead authors with the same last name.

To avoid accidentally submitting a paper with unformatted citations, we recommend leaving automatic updates enabled unless you find that inserts are taking too long for a given document.

Other changes

188BET靠谱吗Zotero 5.0.36 includes a number of other improvements and bug fixes, including a cleaner user interface on Windows, lower idle CPU usage, and more.See thechangelogfor the complete list of changes.

188BET靠谱吗Zotero 5.0 and Firefox: Frequently Asked Questions

In188BET靠谱吗A Unified Zotero Experience, we explained the changes introduced in188BET靠谱吗Zotero 5.0188BET靠谱吗that affect Zotero for Firefox users.See that post for a full explanation of the change, and read on for some additional answers.

What's changing?

188BET靠谱吗Zotero 5.0 is available only as a standalone program, and Zotero 4.0 for Firefox is being replaced by a Zotero Connector for Firefox that allows you to save to Zotero as you browse the web, similar to the Chrome and Safari extensions that have been available for years for use with Zotero Standalone.

Why is this happening?

188BET靠谱吗Mozilla is discontinuing the powerful extension framework on which Zotero for Firefox is based in favor of a new, more limited extension framework, and it's no longer technically possible to create a tool like Zotero for Firefox within the browser.

Will you change your minds?

See above.

188BET靠谱吗Won't this ruin everything that's great about Zotero?

We don't think so.188BET靠谱吗Zotero has been available as standalone version since 2011, and many people have preferred it over the Firefox version — and we're now able to focus on making it better for everyone, without making compromises to fit everything into a tiny pane or spending time keeping up with constant Firefox changes.188BET靠谱吗The Zotero Connector still provides powerful browser integration and an unmatched ability to save as you browse the web.

188BET靠谱吗In recent months, we've made numerous improvements to the Zotero Connector to bring it in line with Zotero for Firefox's browsing-related features, and the Connector already offers some functionality that Zotero for Firefox never did, with more on the way.188BET靠谱吗Since the Connector works in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, you can use Zotero with whichever browser you prefer, or even multiple browsers at the same time.

188BET靠谱吗OK, if I'm running Zotero for Firefox, what do I have to do?

188BET靠谱吗First, install the Zotero Connector for Firefox from thedownload page188BET靠谱吗, which will replace Zotero 4.0 for Firefox.188BET靠谱吗Next, from the same page, install Zotero 5.0 for Mac, Windows, or Linux.

188BET靠谱吗You can also install the Zotero Connector in any other browsers that you use.

188BET靠谱吗If I already have the Zotero Connector for Firefox, what do I have to do?

188BET靠谱吗Make sure you've also installed Zotero 5.0 from thedownload page, and leave it open while you browse the web so you can save directly to it.

188BET靠谱吗If I'm running Zotero Standalone 4.0, what do I have to do?

188BET靠谱吗You can upgrade to Zotero 5.0 via Help -> Check for Updates from within Zotero, or you can reinstall Zotero from thedownload page.

188BET靠谱吗If you're also running Zotero 4.0 for Firefox, you should first install the Zotero Connector from the download page and restart Firefox.

188BET靠谱吗If you're using the Zotero Connector for Chrome, you don't have to do anything else.

188BET靠谱吗If you're using the Zotero Connector for Safari, check for updates from the Extensions pane — you should have 5.0.23 or later.You can reinstall the Connector from the download page if you have an older version and an update isn't showing up.

Will I lose my data?

No.188BET靠谱吗Zotero 5.0 will automatically detect and upgrade your existing data.188BET靠谱吗If your Zotero data directory is located within your Firefox or Zotero profile directory, it will be automatically moved to a "Zotero" directory in your home directory, where it won't be affected by refreshing or uninstalling Firefox.

Where did the Z button in the Firefox toolbar go?188BET靠谱吗How can I open Zotero without it?

188BET靠谱吗Instead of clicking a Z button in the Firefox toolbar, you now switch to Zotero as you would any other program.(SeeSwitching Between Programsfor tips on doing this efficiently.Short version: Use the dock/taskbar/launcher or Cmd-Tab/Alt-Tab.Don't waste time minimizing or moving windows to access what's behind.)

188BET靠谱吗You can also arrange your windows so that Zotero is visible while you're browsing.

188BET靠谱吗What about the "Save to Zotero" button?

188BET靠谱吗The button still exists in the browser toolbar, and, as before, it will show you an icon representing the data Zotero detected on the page: webpage, journal article, newspaper article, etc.

188BET靠谱吗If you don't see the icon, check your browser's extensions pane to make sure you have the Zotero Connector installed.In some cases, the button may appear in the overflow panel accessible from the right edge of the toolbar.

How can I choose what collection to save to?

188BET靠谱吗Just as in Zotero for Firefox, select the desired target collection in Zotero before clicking the save button.SeeSwitching Between Programs188BET靠谱吗for tips on accessing Zotero quickly.

188BET靠谱吗An upcoming Zotero Connector version will provide the ability to choose the target collection from within the browser itself.[Update: This isnow available.]

Are there any features that are no longer available?

188BET靠谱吗While we've worked to make all browsing-related functionality available via the Zotero Connector, a few features either haven't yet been migrated over or aren't possible in the new Firefox extension framework.

Planned, but not yet available:

  • "Attach Snapshot of Current Page" (snapshots are still available when saving new items)
  • 188BET靠谱吗"Create Zotero Item and Note from Selection"/"Add Selection to Zotero Note"
  • 188BET靠谱吗"Save Link As Zotero Item"

No longer possible:

  • 188BET靠谱吗"Save to Zotero" option in the Firefox open/save dialog — workarounds: find the article page instead and use the "Save to Zotero" button to download the metadata and PDF automatically (recommended whenever possible)!188BET靠谱吗preview the PDF in Firefox and click the "Save to Zotero" button!188BET靠谱吗drag the PDF link to Zotero!188BET靠谱吗save the PDF to disk and drag into Zotero!188BET靠谱吗add Zotero as PDF handler in Firefox and choose it from the open/save dialog (not currently possible, but planned)

188BET靠谱吗What if I can't install separate programs like Zotero at my institution?

188BET靠谱吗Zotero can be installed without administrative privileges on most systems.You can also ask your IT department to install it for you.

188BET靠谱吗It's worth noting that the Firefox extension framework used by Zotero for Firefox for many years granted equivalent system access, so from a security standpoint there's no difference between the previous Firefox extension and the standalone program.188BET靠谱吗If anything, the standalone program is more secure, as the Zotero Connector code running within your browser is limited by Mozilla's new WebExtension framework.

188BET靠谱吗If you really can't install separate programs, you can still use the Zotero Connector in your browser and save directly to your online library, but you'll need to rely on the more limited web interface for managing your data.188BET靠谱吗(Improvements to the web library are planned, but the desktop client will remain the recommended way of interacting with your Zotero data.)

188BET靠谱吗What if I used multiple Firefox profiles to keep my Zotero data separate?

188BET靠谱吗Zotero 5.0 supports the same profile system as Firefox.SeeMultiple Profilesfor more info.

188BET靠谱吗What if I'm using Zotero plugins that haven't yet been updated for Zotero 5.0?

Most plugins have been updated, at least in beta form, so first check with the plugin author.

188BET靠谱吗If a plugin you rely on hasn't been updated, you can use the Zotero Connector for Firefox with Zotero Standalone 4.0, which is still available from the download page, for a while longer.188BET靠谱吗Install the plugin from the Tools -> Add-ons -> Extensions pane in Zotero.188BET靠谱吗Some Connector features may not work properly with Zotero 4.0, but you should still be able to save items to Zotero from the Connector.

188BET靠谱吗How much longer can I use Zotero 4.0 for Firefox?

188BET靠谱吗Zotero 4.0 for Firefox will cease to work in Firefox 57, which will be released on November 14, 2017, and existing Zotero for Firefox users will be upgraded to the Zotero Connector shortly before then.188BET靠谱吗If you need to use Zotero 4.0 for Firefox for longer, you should switch to theFirefox 52 Extended Support Release188BET靠谱吗, which will be supported by Mozilla until June 2018, and disable updates for the Zotero extension by clicking "More…" next to Zotero in the Firefox Add-ons pane.188BET靠谱吗(Remember to re-enable updates when you later switch to the Zotero Connector.) If you're already running the Zotero Connector, you can reinstall Zotero 4.0 for Firefox from the download page.188BET靠谱吗Note that Zotero 4.0 syncing will cease to work in early 2018.

188BET靠谱吗To benefit from the many improvements in Zotero 5.0, and to obtain support in the Zotero Forums, we recommend upgrading as soon as possible.

New Features for Chrome and Safari Connectors

188BET靠谱吗We are excited to announce major improvements to the Zotero Connectors for Chrome and Safari.


188BET靠谱吗The Zotero Connector for Chrome now includes functionality that was previously available only in Zotero for Firefox.

Automatic Institutional Proxy Detection

Many institutions provide a way to access electronic resources while you are off-campus by signing in to a web-based proxy system.188BET靠谱吗The Zotero Connector for Chrome makes this more convenient by automatically detecting your institutional proxy.Once you've accessed a site through the proxy, the connector will automatically redirect future requests to that site through the proxy (e.g., if you open a link to jstor.org, you'll be automatically redirected to jstor.org.proxy.my-university.edu).

188BET靠谱吗Notification bar at top of webpage: Zotero detected that you are accessing www.jstor.org through a proxy.Would you like to automatically redirect future requests to www.jstor.org through proxy.my-university.edu?

Proxy detection does not require manual configuration.You can disable or customize it from the connector preferences.

Style Installation and Automatic File Importing

188BET靠谱吗Zotero for Firefox has long included support for installing citation styles and importing reference manager files such as BibTeX or RIS when opened in Firefox.188BET靠谱吗This functionality is now supported by the Zotero Connector for Chrome.

188BET靠谱吗Dialog box: Add citation style to Zotero?

188BET靠谱吗Clicking on a link to a CSL file will display a prompt to install the style into Zotero.188BET靠谱吗Clicking on a BibTeX or RIS file that is served correctly by the website will prompt to import its data into Zotero.If you choose ‘Cancel', you can download the file normally.

188BET靠谱吗Note that this feature requires Zotero 5.0.


188BET靠谱吗If you have the latest version of Chrome installed, you should be automatically updated to version 5.0.5 or later of the Zotero Connector.188BET靠谱吗If you're not currently using Zotero with Chrome, you can install the extension from thedownloads page.188BET靠谱吗Make sure you've installed Zotero 5.0 as well for the best experience.


We've brought several features to Safari that were previously available only in Chrome and Firefox.

Streamlined Saving

188BET靠谱吗Previously, on pages where Zotero could not detect any high-quality data, the Zotero save button was inactive, and you could save a basic webpage item and snapshot by right-clicking on the page and selecting "Save Page to Zotero".188BET靠谱吗In the latest version of the Zotero Connector for Safari, it's possible to save any page to Zotero with the click of a button.

188BET靠谱吗Tooltip when hovering over save button that says 'Save to Zotero (Web Page with Snapshot)'

When high-quality data is available, the button will show the same icon as before: book, newspaper, etc.188BET靠谱吗On all other pages, you'll see an empty page icon, and clicking on it will create a basic webpage item and snapshot in Zotero.Hovering over the icon will tell you whichtranslator188BET靠谱吗, if any, Zotero would use to save the page.

One-click PDF saving

188BET靠谱吗You can also now save PDFs to Zotero with a single click.

188BET靠谱吗Tooltip when hovering over save button that says 'Save to Zotero (PDF)'

188BET靠谱吗Previously, saving a PDF to Zotero from Safari required dragging from the address bar into Zotero or saving the PDF to disk and adding it to Zotero manually.188BET靠谱吗Now, when you're viewing a PDF in Safari, simply click the toolbar button to save the PDF as a top-level attachment in Zotero, after which you can use "Retrieve Metadata from PDF" or "Create Parent Item" to create a full bibliographic item.Note that, when possible, it's still preferable to save from a webpage with full metadata.

Secondary Translators

188BET靠谱吗On some webpages, Zotero can save data using multiple translators, but up until now it hasn't been possible to choose a secondary translator from Safari.You can now188BET靠谱吗long-press the Zotero button to see additional options for saving from the current page, including saving as a regular webpage instead of using a translator.

188BET靠谱吗Save button context menu with option to save to Zotero using COinS on Wikipedia page

Secondary translators may provide different data for the page itself or data for other sources referenced in the page (for example, cited references on Wikipedia, as in the example above).


You can get the new version of the Safari extension from thedownloads pageor by updating to 5.0.0 or later from the Extensions pane of the Safari preferences.188BET靠谱吗Make sure you've installed Zotero 5.0 as well for the best experience.
