188BET靠谱吗Mapping of XML fields from Endnote export to Zotero import
I am trying to import citations from Endnote using XML.While journal articles work as expected (including attachments) I can't seem to get any item types with URLs to work properly.188BET靠谱吗Specifically, I'm struggling to import what endnote calls "Access Date" and Zotero calls "Accessed".188BET靠谱吗For example, if I import an Endnote record of type Web Page, Zotero tells me that the 'number' field has no corresponding Zotero field and provides the access date information as a note rather than in the record.188BET靠谱吗From this, I conclude that what I need to do is change the tag 'number' in the XML file to whatever tag it is that the Zotero field 'Accessed' is looking for.I tried changing the 'number' tags to 'accessed' but that didn't work.188BET靠谱吗I had similar issues trying to export Magazine Articles, where the Year field in Endnote wasn't transferred to the Date field in Zotero.
188BET靠谱吗My question is therefore is there a list of XML tags that correspond to Zotero fields that I can substitute in the XML file?188BET靠谱吗Or is there a better way of changing the mapping between Endnote export fields and Zotero import fields?
188金宝慱亚洲F1Sorry if this is a question that has already been answered - I did look in the forums but couldn't see anything.
188BET靠谱吗My question is therefore is there a list of XML tags that correspond to Zotero fields that I can substitute in the XML file?188BET靠谱吗Or is there a better way of changing the mapping between Endnote export fields and Zotero import fields?
188金宝慱亚洲F1Sorry if this is a question that has already been answered - I did look in the forums but couldn't see anything.
188BET靠谱吗https://github.com/zotero/translators/blob/master/Endnote XML.js
It's not super easy to read since different fields are handled differently, but access date should really be straightforward, see
188BET靠谱吗https://github.com/zotero/translators/blob/master/Endnote XML.js#L245
We can also look at EndnoteXML that doesn't import correctly, but while we generally follow Endnote export, I might draw the line if they export access dates to something other than the existing access-date in XML.
188BET靠谱吗1/ I have exported XML files that include the access-date tag but it isn't being imported by Zotero (I tried both Report and Magazine Article types).I'm not too familiar with js but I wonder if access-date should be included in the importNext function (which begins at line 534)?As far as I can see at the moment the only references to access-date are in the fields list at 42 and the 245 you mentioned.
188BET靠谱吗2/ Part of the issue in importing Endnote XML files is that the importer seems to put both the Endnote 'Year' and 'Date' fields into Zotero 'Date' and privileges Endnote 'Date' such that 'Year' values are lost.The problem with this is that some Endnote types use these fields differently - e.g.in Electronic Article endnote labels the Date type as Date Accessed.Hopefully this could be addressed by a find-and-replace in the XML file but it is a bit awkward.
I have the same problem as jcp13.
I am submitting my question here.
Also, here is a XML file I have exported of the 30 references from the endnote.
188BET靠谱吗https://www.dropbox.com/s/30l7sn168mywnyo/EndNote Library to Zotero.xml?dl=0
I hope you can check it out.
188BET靠谱吗You want a custom import for a field that doesn't exist in Zotero.