Plugin to fetch missing abstracts?
Abstracts are really useful when you want to parse a lot of items in one go, sadly many items in my database have missing abstracts.Does anyone know if there exists a plugin that could programmatically fetch abstracts when they're missing from item metadata?
The only other option I see would be to fetch from Google Scholar or Google Books, but other plugins have had trouble not being locked by Google's anti-abuse mechanisms when processing a large number of items.
Papers will be probably be easy, but for books I'm not sure.Any idea how I could get book summaries with their ISBN?Not sure if Google Books will make it easy to extract that amount of information.
188BET靠谱吗Agree, if you just want to backfill, using pyzotero is going to work pretty well.
a) no ISBN, or
b) an ISBN, with "Library of Congress ISBN" in the "Library Catalog" field
c) an ISBN, with "Open WorldCat" in the "Library Catalog" field
I've tried searching the LoC for books of category (b) but oddly can't find them in their database.188BET靠谱吗I'm gonna guess that Zotero would have pulled the abstract already if it was available anyway.
Also odd, tried looking for books of category (c) by ISBN in WorldCat and they *do* seem to have abstracts.188BET靠谱吗Strangely Zotero did not pull those out?
In any case, that does seem like an interesting problem to solve...
It would be a godsend to fetch the abstracts in folders with hundreds of papers automatically, and not just by hand.
EDIT I talked too soon...only some abstracts (a minority) are fetched.If anybody has ideas about how to fetch all abstracts, I would appreciate it!
EDIT I can paste the bib file into ChatGPT/Consensus and it is able to get the abstracts and generate an updated bib file that one can copy / paste.
EDIT Consensus is very finicky works, then it does not work etc.Looks like the quickest method is to get the abstracts by hand :(