188BET靠谱吗Request for Font Customization in Zotero 7 PDF Reader

188BET靠谱吗Dear Zotero Team,

188BET靠谱吗I have noticed the useful "add text" feature in the Zotero 7 PDF reader but would like to request a simple addition: the ability to adjust font size and style.188BET靠谱吗This customization would greatly improve readability and cater to individual preferences, making Zotero 7 an even more versatile research tool.

Thank you for considering this enhancement.
  • How exactly do you want to change the font style and for what reason?

    Font size can be changed by resizing text annotation while holding one of the corners.
  • I think the requirements of the poster are similar to mine, that is, this feature can set default sizes and styles.Because the default size is currently too large in most cases, if you manually adjust it every time, the efficiency will undoubtedly be very low.
  • I hope it is able to set the default size, font, and color for text annotations.
  • +1, need to change text size.
  • +1, changing the annotation box is clumsy and results in variable font sizes across the pdf
  • I would also find this really helpful.While it's easy enough to resize the font to a fair approximation, having to do so again with each new textbox becomes a slight annoyance.If it could remember the textsize and colour from the last used box this would go a fair way if a font size selector is too hard.
  • +1 The default fonts are often too large for pdf
  • +1.Really nice feature, but the default fonts are too large.Also find it clumsy to change the box everytime.
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