188BET靠谱吗Full-text content sync fails with "Error connecting to the server": standalone app to Zotero storage

Issue: Sync fails with the: "JavaScript Error: "Error connecting to the server.188BET靠谱吗Check your Internet connection." error message, when I try to sync from my laptop Zotero standalone app to my Zotero cloud storage.188BET靠谱吗This has happened consistently over the last couple of days, but only if I have "Sync full-text content" enabled in Zotero app preferences.If the full-text sync option is unchecked, then the sync goes through with no problems.

Debug ID: D764751053
Report ID: 509373701
OS: MacOS 10.13.2
188BET靠谱吗Zotero version: 6.0.30

Remedial steps already tried:
1.188BET靠谱吗Verified that all proxy settings are turned off/unchecked in both the OS and Zotero.
2.There is no firewall, and no security software running.
3.The internet connection is fine.All other internet requests go through.
3.Restarted the laptop.
4.188BET靠谱吗Restarted Zotero multiple times.
5.188BET靠谱吗Uninstalled and reinstalled the Zotero browser connector, for both browsers (Chrome and Firefox).
6.Changed default browser in the OS from Chrome to Firefox.
7.188BET靠谱吗Verified that my Zotero storage account is unlimited and payment is up to date.
8.Ran local database check from within the app.The local database is reported to be fine and uncorrupted.
8.Read and checked the docs ( 188BET靠谱吗//www.brodersterzo.com/support/kb/connection_error), and others' similar issues on the forum, such as:

  • edited November 18, 2023
    Sorry about that — that error message is misleading.There's an issue where some large full-text-content requests are failing in an unexpected way, which is resulting in that error message.

    We haven't been able to reproduce this, but if you can still reproduce this with the 188BET靠谱吗Zotero 7 beta, we can try to fix it.
  • edited November 19, 2023
    Thanks.188BET靠谱吗I will try to download Zotero v7 Beta, and get back to you.188BET靠谱吗Is there a way to duplicate my Zotero database/folder, and point the 7 Beta version to that?I'm worried about non-revertable changes mentioned on the 7 Beta docs page.

    188BET靠谱吗In the meantime, to help duplicate, the reason I have such a large upload is because my Zotero now has 8Gb's worth of 36,620 files in it (single library, single user, no groups).It got slow, and I had to turn off auto-sync.I think I collected too many files / megabytes to manually sync up.188BET靠谱吗Not a complaint, but just an fyi, to tie to the regression QA testing for Zotero 7.
  • 188BET靠谱吗Is there a way to duplicate my Zotero database/folder, and point the 7 Beta version to that?I'm worried about non-revertable changes mentioned on the 7 Beta docs page.
    You should always have a backup188BET靠谱吗of your Zotero data directory, but I'm not sure what you're referring to.From the 188BET靠谱吗Zotero 7 beta announcement188BET靠谱吗: "That said, Zotero 7 doesn't currently make any database upgrades, so you should be able to switch back and forth between Zotero 6 and 7 without problems."
    188BET靠谱吗In the meantime, to help duplicate, the reason I have such a large upload is because my Zotero now has 8Gb's worth of 36,620 files in it
    That's not actually the reason — it has nothing to do with the library size.Full-text-content uploads are split into <512 KB chunks.There's just a bug where certain batches result in failures.
  • I was reading this page:
    188BET靠谱吗"though note that beta versions occasionally update the database such that downgrading isn't possible without reverting to a backup copy of zotero.sqlite in the Zotero data directory or removing the local data directory and syncing to pull down data from the online library"
    I do regularly backup my full directory, but haven't tested restoring yet :).

    Oh interesting.I wonder if I can mess with it productively...

  • edited December 7, 2023
    188BET靠谱吗Ok, I tried with Zotero 7, sync fails.Here's the info:

    188BET靠谱吗Zotero version:

    Try 1:
    debug id: D542270735
    188BET靠谱吗What I did: Started zotero, turned debug logging on, sync (fails), then submit debug.

    Try 2:
    debug id: D1870148173
    What I did: Selected "Restart with logging enabled", restarted, sync (fails), then submit debug.

  • edited December 7, 2023
    "Check Database Integrity" returns "Passed", in case it's relevant.

    Should I try unlinking and then re-linking my account or hitting Reset File Syncing History?

  • edited December 13, 2023
    Hey folks, just wanted to see if you were able to see anything in the v7 debug report.

    Is there anything I can do to help troubleshoot this?
    Might Relinking the account or Resetting File Sync History help?
  • You edited your message, so I assume you realized that all your other data and files are still syncing?This is just full-text-content syncing, which lets you perform full-text searches in the web library and on other devices where you're using "downloaded as needed" file-sync mode.

    We've managed to reproduce this, but it may take some work to find a fix, so for now your best bet is to disable "Sync full-text content" in the Sync pane of the preferences or to just ignore the error, since it doesn't affect other syncing.

    We'll post here when we have an update.
  • Sorry for the delay, went down the work vortex.

    Yes, I did realize the files are uploading, thanks for double-checking.188BET靠谱吗It took a while, but I checked with Zoo for Zotero, and on the web interface, and I can see the items.
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