188BET靠谱吗ZoteroBib - Routledge Book chapters

188BET靠谱吗Routledge book chapter websites don't appear to be importing into Zotero correctly.For instance, this website


imports as:

Kavanagh, Paul Dylan-Ennis, Donncha.(2024).Hash, Bash, Cash - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) as a New Form of Democratic Organizing.In Decentralized Autonomous Organizations.Routledge.

when it should be

Dylan-Ennis, Paul, & Kavanagh, Donncha.(2024).Hash, Bash, Cash: Decentralised Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) as a new form of democratic organizing.In Sven Van Kerckhoven & Usman W.Chohan (Eds.), Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: Innovation and Vulnerability in the Digital Economy.Routledge.

In particular, the author names are mashed up.

I've checked with other Routledge websites (book chapters, multiple authors) and the same thing happens.

I've contacted Routledge and they say that it's ZoterBib that's at fault.

Donncha Kavanagh

  • Thanks!We can fix the authors, though we don't have the editors anywhere on the page or otherwise in metadata accessible from that page.

    You can find the DOI in the URL: 10.4324/9781003449607-4
    188BET靠谱吗and the use that in either Zotero or ZoteroBib and that'll produce better citations
  • Thanks.This seems to be an issue with other Routledge book chapters (maybe all of them?).See for instance:

    Will your fix work for other book chapters as well?

    I don't understand what you mean when you say 'You can find the DOI in the URL: 10.4324/9781003449607-4...etc'.Can you explain further?

  • It only works on the ebook pages so
    for that book, but yes, the fix would work there, tool.

    The DOI is the "Digital Object Identifier" for a given work -- a type of unique ID that, among other things, allows you to provide a stable, permanent link to a work: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003449607-4for your book chapter, for example.

    188BET靠谱吗Both Zotero and ZoteroBib are able to import information reliably using these DOIs.For most works, they are easy to find on a page, but for Routledge, for some reason, you have to identify them in the URL:
    All DOIs start with 10.and the ones from Routledge all start with 10.4324 -- the complete DOI then also includes the slash and the part up to and exclusing the next slash, so 10.4324/9781003181163 for the Future of Workign Spaces book.188BET靠谱吗You can just paste that number into ZoteroBib or in Zotero use the magic wand/Add by identifier button.
  • Thanks again.

    I'm presuming you haven't implemented the fix yet.Can you add a post when that's done?

    For the edited book website that you linked to, importing mashes the three editors into one single editor, similar to what it does for a book chapter:

    Bednář, Ilaria Mariotti, Mina Di Marino, Pavel (Ed.).(2022).The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Working Spaces.London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003181163

    And thanks for clarifying the DOI stuff.I didn't know about the magic wand function.Useful!

  • 188BET靠谱吗The basic fix is now available and should auto-update for you within 24hs (doesn't require a new Zotero version).You will still get better metadata using the DOI, though.
  • Thank you!
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