references in different languages: different versions of title, book title, location, ...

edited March 25, 2024
Is it possible to provide different versions of metadata to create references in different languages?

Location example:
Let's say the location of an entry is: Praha, České republiky
When generating a list of references in Czech, the location should be printed like that.
When generating a list of references in English, the location should be printed as: Prague, Czech Republic
When generating a list of references in German, the location should be printed as: Prag, Tschechien

So maybe in the extra field I can write:
location-en: Prague, Czech Republic
location-de: Prag, Tschechien


Title and book title example:
Let's say the title is "L'humanité" published in a book named "Recueil d'œuvres".
E.g.according to APA7, when writing new a French article, it should be cited as
L'humanité in Recueil d'œuvres

In a new English article, it should be cited as
L'humanité [Humanity] in Recueil d'œuvres
Note: The book title is not needed to be translated to Collected Works

In a new German article, it should be cited as
L'humanité [Die Menschheit] in Recueil d'œuvres
Note: The book title is not needed to be translated to Gesammelte Werke

So maybe in the extra field I can write:
title-en: L'humanité [Humanity]

Or even better:
translated-title-en: Humanity
  • Not really no.188BET靠谱吗Juris-m has exactly this, but I don't think there's a lot of appetite on the Zotero core team to get into that level of metadata complexity.

    There are variables for original title and we're hoping to add translated title in CSL soon that'd allow you a basic version of the citations.188BET靠谱吗Not sure whether and how they'd be integrated in Zotero.
  • Ok, so the current solution is:
    188BET靠谱吗Zotero's title field: "Humanity"
    188BET靠谱吗Zotero's extra field: "original-title: L'humanité"

    And we need support of the original-title variable in the CSLs.
  • correct, yes, although this will be awkward to do in styles and we'd likely not currently support it as required in styles on the repository (because you have to do a whole dance with title vs.original title that's going to be confusing in its behavior).Once we have translated title this is more straightforward and would be easy to implement in styles.
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