Entries for subtitle and title-additions


188BET靠谱吗Zotero 7 looks great, but unfortunately it still has only one single title-entry-field.Our team needs different entries for subtitle and title-additions (like if the document was also a PhD-thesis).Because we have to publish in different publications with different formats.E.g.the separator between title and subtitle changes between ".", "-" and ":".And the title-additions are sometimes needed in square brackets right behind the title, sometimes without brackets with one of the above separators, sometimes on other positions and sometimes even left out completely.

188BET靠谱吗And with current versions of Zotero we have to adjust these things for every single title in every single publication.That's not the idea of a reference-software.With separate entries for title, subtitle and title-additions this could be automated.Just like e.g.Citavi handles these things for years.

188BET靠谱吗Are there any plans to implement separate entries for subtitle and title-additions in Zotero?And if yes, is there any idea, in which version this is done or even a schedule, when this can be expected?

  • edited April 12, 2024
    I second that request.(I was about to post a very similar remark).This has been brought up many times but never adressed.

    The question is: what is the rational against a subtitle field?Backward compatibility?Tricky DB issue (that I can not foresee)?Or the fact that it doesn't seem to be supported by CSL?

    PS I would even be willing to delve into the code base to implement it and submit a PR.
  • >This has been brought up many times but never adressed.

    I hope, this problem will be addressed in future versions.

    >The question is: what is the rational against a subtitle field?Backward compatibility?

    But this can't be a problem.People who don't want to use this, can still use one single entry for all.And you can even mix it.

    >Or the fact that it doesn't seem to be supported by CSL?

    Then it should be added in CSL.A format that doesn't support such basic entries should add them.
  • I believe the topic of subtitle and title-addition fields is crucial.188BET靠谱吗For a long time, it was the main reason I chose not to use Zotero.These fields are commonly used in other reference management systems.188BET靠谱吗I hope this issue will be addressed in the next version of Zotero.
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