188BET靠谱吗[Zotero 7 Beta] Time delay when doing a drag and drop of an item

Steps to reproduce:
1) Select an item in the Items Tree
2) Click and hold
3) Move to another collection
-> It takes 2 to 3 seconds before the mouse icon changes to add the "+" showing that it is moving something.
Debug ID: D746086577
188BET靠谱吗Zotero 7.0.0-beta.74+2e8073ab9 (64-bit) in Troubleshooting Mode
Windows 10

The time delay occurs before the first line appears in the Debug Output:
(3)(+0009035): Dragging with format {"mode":"bibliography","contentType":"","id":" 188BET靠谱吗//www.brodersterzo.com/styles/apa","locale":""}
If I simply drop before getting the moving mouse icon, the drag and drop is still successful, but the mouse icon quickly flashes moving mouse icon after finishing the drop.
So nothing much, but there is probably something wrong here.
  • I wonder if this is the same issue that was reported a decade ago?

    I've also encountered this issue as it impacts a plugin I've built.It was reported by one of my users 在 GitHub 上.

    As far as I can tell, I believe the issue stems from the citation generation process.What's interesting is that it appears to be significantly impacted by which export format has been selected.I've captured a screen recordingwhere you can see that the BibLaTeX format has no delay, the Chicago format has a minor delay (which is hard to see in the recording), and the APA format has a multi-second delay.

    I discussed workarounds for my plugin 188BET靠谱吗in the Zotero dev mailing list, but I'm finding it difficult to understand the citation code so that I can implement the workaround correctly.188BET靠谱吗Ideally it'd be nice if the delay issue could be solved in Zotero itself.
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