Struggling to refresh citations and add new citations
188BET靠谱吗Hi, I have been working on a document (~26 000 words) and ever since merging my duplicate items in Zotero I cannot refresh or add new citations.188BET靠谱吗I have the Word plugin for zotero and I am using the software.Please help, this is for a PhD thesis
Does the problem also happen with a new, empty document?
@ac2371: What OS is this?Most likely you're just not waiting long enough, particularly if this is a Mac — Word integration on macOS is currently just rather slow, so in a large document you might have to wait quite a while (even an hour or more) to refresh.
For inserting citations, make sure you have "Automatically update citations" disabled in the plugin's Document Preferences window.
188BET靠谱吗Merging duplicate items in Zotero shouldn't affect this.It could be due to a Word update — we've gotten some reports that current versions of Word for Mac are even slower.