The Zotfile implemented in multiple computers is not working

As I previously commented before here, I'm working with Zotfile in a GDrive environment with 3 PCs.One PC is the main setup, whose disk is called C and the folder that contains the attached files is C:\Users\javie\Documents\Beca Río Hortega\Bibliografía

188BET靠谱吗For the other PCs, the folder is actually the same but in the Zotero software the URL must be different because it's not the C disk, is the G disk.Well, somehow this setup doesn't work always, and this is so confusing.Sometines it happens to work, but sometimes it's not working at all.Another issue happening, is that I usually work by 2nd PC using G location of folders.When I go to PC1 (the one with C location) the library updates, and duplicates new files added previously in the 2nd PC.The folder actually does contain these files, still, it repeates the process

Any help with this?
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