Cannot print URLs and I need them

Using windows and chrome and I did click "include URLs" in citation preferences.I desperatedly need my URLs to print in my bibliograpy.I've tried AMA, BMJ and I've checked that my citations include URLs.Any hope?I really don't want to go back to EndNote.
  • edited June 26, 2024
    This might help: 188BET靠谱吗, use any Vancouver style with "include URLs" selected)
  • Many thanks - yes, Vancouver style includes the URL.But now a new problem: I can't click the link and instead have to copy and paste.My editors want clickable links - any help?
  • I think hitting "Enter" after each URL will make the URLs clickable
  • You can run Word's Auto Format with the bibliography selected to hyperlink them all at once (you'll have to google details!AutoFormat is oddly hidden in current Word versions)
  • (I didn't know about this hidden Word feature.Thanks adamsmith)
  • Yes, hitting enter is normally a way to get a clickable link but two things:
    1.) that isn't working (just tried it)
    2.) If I have many dozens of citations as I often do, that would mean having to go behind every URL and punching them in - this is automatic with EndNote but I'm desperately trying to get away from EndNote - they inexplicably took away "Capture Reference" as a browser extension and that's killer for me, because I often include not only medical journal articles, but Congressional bills, NY Times articles, and other web pages that are a pain in the neck to enter.

    I just copied and pasted a test bibliography in Outlook and bizarrely it CORRECTLY printed the bibliography, but in the document itself it absolutely refuses to print a clickable link.BTW, I use Word in .docx format.I even tried copying and pasting back into the document: nothing.Refresh: nothing.Copy and paste entire document into new .docx with bibliography: Nothing.Looks like it only wants to work in Outlook!!(see below)

    I looked at AutoFormat in Word but the options don't show anything I can understand as a way to force correct links.

    1.Swanson CJ, Zhang Y, Dhadda S, et al.: A randomized, double-blind, phase 2b proof-of-concept clinical trial in early Alzheimer's disease with lecanemab, an anti-Aβ protofibril antibody [Internet].Alzheimers Res Ther 2021!13:80[cited 2024 Jun 25] Available from:
    2.van Dyck CH, Swanson CJ, Aisen P, et al.: Lecanemab in Early Alzheimer's Disease [Internet].N Engl J Med 2022!388:9–21Available from:
  • OMG - it posts to this forum correctly and just won't do it in Word!!It also prints correctly if i put it in an email in Outlook.forget the offer of beer.I need vodka.188BET靠谱吗I have little time to make the switch from EndNote (which I've used for many years) to Zotero before my new project takes off and I have to commit.Truly, all help appreciated.
  • edited June 26, 2024
    188BET靠谱吗Argh - i just came accross this 2019 to 2020 Zotero forum 188BET靠谱吗

    188BET靠谱吗So this has been a longstanding problem with Zotero apparently.The solution offered however, was apparently for Libre Office and not MS Office.Rats.

    RE: Adam Smith and AutoFormat - I looked at all the options offered under Options Advanced as well as Options Proofing and Options Display and couldn't find an option that works.
  • edited June 26, 2024
    1.) that isn't working (just tried it)
    Citations need to be unlinked first

    This worked on Word for Mac (you will have to find the correct menus on Windows):

    1.Make a copy of your original document with active citations and generated bibliography, and work on this copy.
    2.In the copy, unlink the citations.
    3.In Word, go to ""Word" -> "Preferences..." -> "Ribbon & Toolbar"
    4.In "Quick Access Toolbar", choose "Commands Not in The Ribbon", select "AutoFormat" in the left column and add it to the right column
    5."AutoFormat" button is now available at the top of the Word window (together with "Home", "Save", "Undo"...)
    6.Make sure that in "Tools" --> "AutoCorrect Options..." -> "AutoFormat As You Type", "Internet and network paths with hyperlinks" is selected
    7.Select the whole bibliography, click on "AutoFormat..." button, select "AutoFormat Now", then click "OK"

  • It worked!!It worked!
    What a pain to have to remember to unlink and manually format each time- however, i'll take that over having to enter all non-journal article websites manually with EndNote.
    thank you thank you!
  • We'll look into adding an option to link URLs and DOIs automatically when unlinking citations.
  • oh my goodness this would be so helpful.Despite my initial joy (just above) when I retried the same maneuver it didn't work.EndNote has "autoformat" automatically in its buttons and it works.So, while I was able to put the autoformat button into Word it still is iffy.So, if you can get the URLs to automatically print as clickable hyperlinks that would be fantastic.Doing online searches i see a good deal of demand and the loss of capture reference with EndNote is kind of the last straw for me.
  • Sorry to hear it didn't work for you.It worked for me with a few test cases, maybe by chance.
  • thanks so much for your help so far.188BET靠谱吗I'm faced with a dilemma as I move into my next project (whether to return to EndNote or continue trying to solve my Zotero issues).I'm going to call EndNote today and ask if they will release a replacement for Capture References.188BET靠谱吗But in the meantime, I love Zotero and if you guys do find a way to create what EndNote once had (Zotero Connect works but it's the clickable link issue that I see as a problem for me and others) then I'll be in heaven.Fingers crossed.
  • 188BET靠谱吗I found a workaround for now and it requires using both Zotero and EndNote:
    188BET靠谱吗Use Zotero Connector to add websites that EndNote won't add.Then export those citations to EndNote by right clicking the selected new citations and click "export" to download in RIS format.Then double-click the exported citations (set to be opened by EndNote automatically) or go into EndNote and import.

    Bottom line?188BET靠谱吗If Zotero can come up with a reliable clickable link on citations I'll drop EndNote.188BET靠谱吗If EndNote comes up with a replacement for Capture References, I won't need Zotero.
  • 188BET靠谱吗Out of curiosity, could you give an example URL you saved in Zotero and you cannot create an hyperlink from with "AutoFormat Now"?
  • Test
    (1, 2)
    1.Alves F, Kalinowski P, Ayton S: Accelerated Brain Volume Loss Caused by Anti-β-Amyloid Drugs: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.Neurology 2023!100:e2114–e2124
    2.van Dyck CH, Swanson CJ, Aisen P, et al.: Lecanemab in Early Alzheimer's Disease.N Engl J Med 2022!388:9–21
    I added the two citations above, unlinked them, then used AutoFormat - but in this instance it didn't even include the URLs - although I did get it to print the URLs previously but they remained unclickable even with the steps above.Not sure what went wrong
  • 188BET靠谱吗I just rechecked that the URLs on the citations/websites that I added via Zotero Connector and then imported into EndNote do indeed print the clickable URLs - even though I have a hit and miss experience inside Zotero, which others have noted as well.188BET靠谱吗So Zotero is adding (to my delight) the information I need, but I just don't seem to be able to print it without reverting to EndNote.
  • edited June 27, 2024
    188BET靠谱吗You'd need to use a citation style that actually includes URLs (or at least make sure that within the Zotero settings under cite you have the checkbox for "Include URLs for papers"(or something) is ticked).

    The autoformatter can only work if there is URLs in plain text.It can detect it's a URL and then make it an active hyperlink.
  • yes, i used various output styles that include URLs and I did click the URL checkbox but even with that and even WHEN it actually did print the URL they were not clickable - a problem noticed by some others.
  • Right, but the question is why the Auto Format solution isn't working reliably for you -- it really should and I've never seen it fail.So you'd want to start with a style that prints URLs and then test auto format on an unlinked doc.
  • 188BET靠谱吗what's even more surprising is that despite the problem with output styles for Zotero, when i import those same citations into EndNote, they do print properly without any adjustments.188BET靠谱吗I'd think i'm doing something wrong (would be nothing new about that!) but seeing that others have struggled to get the URLs to be clickable (even when included in the output style) makes me think there might be something Zotero could do to fix this - and then I'd drop EndNote in a heartbeat!
  • yes, but here are the steps i took:
    1.) inserted a citation in AMA style (with print URL checked)
    2.) ran the bibliography
    3.) unlinked the citations
    188BET靠谱吗4.) ran AutoFormat and it prints with no clickable link in Word but I'm sure from prior experience that when I paste what I got below, the link will be clickable - so something with Word and Zotero - but not with EndNote?AHA - i just pasted and unlike some prior experience where it posts a clickable link on the web what you see below is what I got - a non-clickable link (and that's critical for my outlets both medical and lay).

    1.Alves F, Kalinowski P, Ayton S.Accelerated Brain Volume Loss Caused by Anti-β-Amyloid Drugs: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.Neurology.2023;100(20):e2114-e2124.doi:10.1212/wnl.0000000000207156
  • There's no URL in the citation, just a DOI with a doi: prefix.Not all citation styles will print URLs, including with the relevant option checked.Test with Vancouver which I believe will always include a URL.If there's anything else in the style that doesn't work for you, we can address that then, but please separate style issues from linking URL issues.
  • 188BET靠谱吗Yes, I had tried it with Vancouver (though AMA, BMJ etc., also include URLS) and I checked the citation in Zotero itself and see that both the DOI and the URL have appropriate entries for the citation above (Alves) - but despite having include URL ticked it fails to do so and even when I did get a URL on another occasion, it remained unclickable.

    I'm amazed at the help you guys give and I'm sorry to have such trouble.Do you ever connect via zoom or anything else to see whether I'm doing something wrong?But I can't imagine - i have autoformat now on my bar in Word (latest version) I tick the correct boxes.188BET靠谱吗It works in EndNote - but just not Zotero and I want to love Zotero as a colleague of mine does (but she has different needs as a book author).
  • 188BET靠谱吗So, with citation Alves above - Zotero had a choice to print the doi or the URL and both are available and have entries, yet using both AMA and Vancouver, it selected the DOI.
  • So again, there's two parts:
    1.Does the citation include a URL (which will _always_ start with "http").If it doesn't, that's a citation style setting.Neither BMJ nor AMA always include URLs.AMA prefers the DOI whenever it's available, BMJ only includes URLs for webpages and blogposts.That's in line with the respective style guides.The default Vancouver style, on the other hand, with "Include URLs checked", will always include the URL for any item type.Use that for testing and check that it shows actual URLs.188BET靠谱吗This part is handled entirely by the citations styles included in Zotero and can be customized (with some work) as needed.

    2.If you have an actual URL (i.e., beginning with http), can you successfully hyperlink it.This part depends entirely on Word, though should work reliably.

  • 188BET靠谱吗NOTE the difference using the exact same citation that I pulled into Zotero with Zotero Connector and what happens with EndNote vs Zotero:

    188BET靠谱吗With EndNote from Zotero imported citation:
    Petersen M.Alzheimer's drug's potentially fatal side effect, ARIA, obscured by 'soothing acronym,' doctors say.Los Angeles Times.2024/06/17/T10:00:48.384, 2024

    188BET靠谱吗Using Zotero Vancouver style (include url is ticked) and as you can see above the URL is in the citation in Zotero but prints without it as follows - sometimes it chooses the DOI over the URL.But gee whiz.188BET靠谱吗and as i mentioned, even in a couple instances where Zotero did print the URL (maybe it didn't have the option of a DOI) it came out an non-clickable.

    1.Alves F, Kalinowski P, Ayton S.Accelerated Brain Volume Loss Caused by Anti-β-Amyloid Drugs: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.Neurology.2023 May 16;100(20):e2114–24.

  • Let's leave Endnote out of this for a moment.You're just making things more complicated.I understand it's working there the way you want, anything else Endnote isn't really relevant here.

    Could you post a screenshot of
    1) The right-hand panel for the Alves et al.188BET靠谱吗item in Zotero and
    188BET靠谱吗2) The Zotero Document Preferences for the Word document from which you have copied the above?
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