188BET靠谱吗Zotero Item Selector for Chrome doesn't release deselected items
Hi.188BET靠谱吗I see that the Zotero Item Selector now works in Chrome, well done.I normally don't download things the following way, but tried it for ease in a complicated set of imports.So, if I have a page of Pubmed hits, and select a few and import into a folder, that works fine.If I clear or deselect the items, and from the same page and choose some different items to import into a different folder, the Selector still shows the prior bunch as selected, so I have to manually deselect them in the Selector as well.Would be better if it showed only the ones I currently have selected as selected.Haven't tried it in Edge.Thanks for looking.
In any case, I can reproduce the bug where previously selected items on the page remain selected in the Item Selector.That would also be new since the beginning of June.We'll fix — thanks.For now, if you want to save additional items, you can just reload the page to clear the selections.