Not syncing from iPad
I was trying to attach file from safari on my ipad.It works fine locally but my mac was unable to receive it.I followed 188BET靠谱吗// tried to pull down on the items list.I did not received the sync error icon on my screen, but the syncing seems never end.I am using webdav and My debug ID is D363493767.
Thank you.
I was trying to attach file from safari on my ipad.It works fine locally but my mac was unable to receive it.I followed 188BET靠谱吗// tried to pull down on the items list.I did not received the sync error icon on my screen, but the syncing seems never end.I am using webdav and My debug ID is D363493767.
Thank you.
Your debug output doesn't show any sync attempt.Can you force-quit the app and try again, and log both saving a file and the subsequent sync?