188BET靠谱吗Zotero is crashing my footnotes and not refreshing
188BET靠谱吗Zotero stoppped updating my footnotes in word, even when it is selected that it should update them automatically.The refresh function also is not working.
ID: 480696597, D1014743124
ID: 480696597, D1014743124
adomasvenYou have nearly 600 citations in your document.188BET靠谱吗Your debug log says that it takes 90s for Zotero to retrieve all of those citations from Word.You should expect Refresh, adding Bibliography, etc.to take at least a couple of minutes.The citation dialog will most likely take less time to appear.We recommend disabling automatic citation updates in the Document Preferences.
jsbsasedited July 18, 2024I actually had it disabled but then when I was clicking refresh nothing was happening, so of course the cross-references were not working.The problem was the refresh button.Now it appears to have worked but it took a couple of hours!Thank you