BETA 105 - Slow text search - Debug ID D331518928

edited 26 days ago
I have noticed that within the last two weeks or so that text searches inside pdfs has slowed considerably.PDF word searches that use to take a second or two are now taking up to 20 seconds.I rebuilt the index, but that has had no affect.I cannot tell exactly what version it started, but I am currently on Windows 10 Beta 105 and the behavior persists.

I have restarted in Troubleshooting mode, and sure the only plugin I use is disabled, and enabled Debug and behavior persists to various degrees over all pdfs.Submitted Debug Id # D331518928

  • 188BET靠谱吗1) Do you mean the search within the Zotero reader is slow, or is the search across all PDFs in the Library tab slow?
    2) Do you experience this will all PDF files?
  • 1) the search in the reader
    2) Yes, and the longer the pdf the more time it takes.
  • I can't reproduce this issue and am unsure if the reader search is the problem.188BET靠谱吗Don't you experience slowdowns elsewhere in Zotero or your computer?

    Can anyone else reproduce this issue?
  • I have also seen slower loading of the word plugin when adding a citation, but that may because the doc I am working on has hundreds of citations.I rebuilt the index and it took about 48 hours for about 14 million words (12k docs).Not sure, if that was too long or not.Otherwise, no other problems.The program appears to be running as it should.

    I run the zipped local version and it auto updates.Perhaps something has been corrupted?
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