Feature request: Remove accents/diacritics from filenames

188BET靠谱吗I am using Zotero 7 and the customizable file renaming ( 188BET靠谱吗//www.brodersterzo.com/support/file_renaming).I would like to have all accents/diacritics removed from filenames.This would be similar behavior to ZotFile's "Remove special characters (diacritics) from filename".188BET靠谱吗However, I cannot find a similar option in Zotero's built-in file renaming.I imagine this could be added as a parameter.I tried the "localize" parameter, but it didn't remove accents/diacritics.Currently, my only ideas for a workaround is building regexes (e.g., `replaceFrom="č" replaceTo="c" regexOpts="g"`) for each and every special character.
  • If the filenames are in unicode NFD (I don't know), replaceFrom="\\p{M}" replaceTo="" regexOpts="g"188BET靠谱吗will work for Zotero 7.188BET靠谱吗A similar solution is available for Zotero 6, but you'd have to write out "\\p{M}"(which is possible but tedious).
  • 188BET靠谱吗(The customizable renaming is a Zotero 7 feature, so Zotero 6 isn't relevant here.)

    @maia-sh, can you explain why you want this?All modern filesystems should support Unicode.
  • Thanks for the regex suggestion, @emilianoeheyns.I unfortunately am not getting it to work.

    @dstillman, thanks for letting me know that modern systems should support accents.I wanted to change them out, as I've had problems in the past and had my system therefore set up without accents, and I would like consistency across my library.
  • My recommendation would be to just…stop.There's just no reason you should have to do this.
  • Avoiding inconsistency is indeed a good reason why diacritic removal from file names is useful.

    188BET靠谱吗Diacritics are not universally applied in all data sources that a user may add to Zotero.So if author names are included in file names for example, it is likely that one will end up over time with the same author's name inserted in file names both with and without its diacritic(s).188BET靠谱吗That creates difficulties when searching by file name (outside Zotero for example).188BET靠谱吗(the same problem occurs when searching for author names within Zotero, although that's not the file naming issue raised here).

    If there were an easy way of correctly inserting all missing diacritics in existing data like that, that would of course be preferable.But that does not exist as far as I know.So, failing that, a simple approach to remove diacritics from all file names is the "least-bad" option.That's presumably why it is an option in Zotfile's renaming scheme.Many Zotfile users would have large file collections where diacritic removal from file names has been standard practice.I certainly do.

    188BET靠谱吗I have also had batch file code fail on Zotero filenames with diacritics when processing files outside Zotero, where unicode support was lacking.188BET靠谱吗Where the code was designed to find "orphan" files - files no longer in Zotero's database but still present on disk - that can lead to files being mis-designated as orphans (which could lead to such code wrongly deleting them).That's why I started using Zotfile's option.
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