188BET靠谱吗Zotero needs a badge along with DOI addresses like Citavi
188BET靠谱吗I want to switch from Citavi to Zotero in my work.188BET靠谱吗However, I started looking for some useful features of Citavi in Zotero.I would like to see titles and tags covering all articles in the notes section as well as in the references section.I hope this improvement will come in new versions.However, there is now a need for improvement in another aspect that was very useful to me and I'm sure will be useful to many others.Citavi's browser addon recognizes DOI addresses within the page and allows them to be quickly added to the library.Even better, if I have a pdf in my library, it also shows that.188BET靠谱吗While browsing through articles, it would be nice if Zotero would recognize DOI addresses within the page and display a badge next to them similar to the one in Citavi.It would be useful to quickly check it in the library and make sure the pdf is available.I believe that such a feature will be developed better than Citavi with the power of the community.If there is already a process on this issue, I will be waiting impatiently.
188BET靠谱吗I want to switch from Citavi to Zotero in my work.188BET靠谱吗However, I started looking for some useful features of Citavi in Zotero.I would like to see titles and tags covering all articles in the notes section as well as in the references section.I hope this improvement will come in new versions.However, there is now a need for improvement in another aspect that was very useful to me and I'm sure will be useful to many others.Citavi's browser addon recognizes DOI addresses within the page and allows them to be quickly added to the library.Even better, if I have a pdf in my library, it also shows that.188BET靠谱吗While browsing through articles, it would be nice if Zotero would recognize DOI addresses within the page and display a badge next to them similar to the one in Citavi.It would be useful to quickly check it in the library and make sure the pdf is available.I believe that such a feature will be developed better than Citavi with the power of the community.If there is already a process on this issue, I will be waiting impatiently.
adamsmith188BET靠谱吗Right click on the Save to Zotero icon --> Save to Zotero (DOI).Will generally give you a list of all titles via DOI
frkncI guess I didn't explain the need fully.188BET靠谱吗I can already record with Zotero's plugin, there is no problem with that.However, instead of doing this by clicking multiple times on each page, it will be much easier to do this with a single click.It would be great to add it to the library or check its existence with a single click while examining many DOI addresses within the page.188BET靠谱吗Currently, the Zotero plugin re-adds the DOI address if it is in the library, without any warning.This situation is also very surprising.It causes duplicate articles and waste of time.Placing a badge next to the doi address on the page actually solves all problems in this regard.
adamsmithDid you try what I suggested?It does just that
frkncYes I tried.188BET靠谱吗I'm not saying I can't save to Zotero, there's no problem recording it.But I think you didn't understand what I was talking about.There are little red badges next to the DOI number in the photo above.188BET靠谱吗I just hope this feature is available in Zotero as well.This way, I can make the recording process easier and shorter.Going to the plugins corner and clicking is a waste of time.While reviewing the references of the articles, the badge can give me information instead of checking one by one to see if this article is in my library.188BET靠谱吗It would be nice to save it to Zotero by clicking on the badge on the article I want from the DOI address without going into the details of the individual articles in the search results in the databases.