Show collections containing an item
I know that selecting an item in the Library and pressing Option (on Mac), will highlight the collections containing this item on the left sidebar.
However, after some years, I have many nested collections, with many items appearing in several collections.Thus pressing Option sometimes expands a complicated hierarchy of collections on the left, which is hard to navigate.
I would prefer to see all the collections containing an item on the right sidebar, in the Info panel of the selected item.Could this be implemented?
However, after some years, I have many nested collections, with many items appearing in several collections.Thus pressing Option sometimes expands a complicated hierarchy of collections on the left, which is hard to navigate.
I would prefer to see all the collections containing an item on the right sidebar, in the Info panel of the selected item.Could this be implemented?
poettli188BET靠谱吗It is possible in Zotero 7 beta in the right panel, under "Libraries and Collections"
dstillman188BET靠谱吗That's already implemented in the Zotero 7 beta.
b0c5Any estimate of when it might be released?
poettlialready available.The latter, no official release date.188BET靠谱吗Zotero 7 beta or Zotero 7?The former is
b0c5I meant stable release
poettli188BET靠谱吗Zotero 7 is now available: 188BET靠谱吗