Manually removing plugins
I tried installing raw versions of Zutilo and DOI Manager and see errors in the console.
How can one remove all traces of plugins by hand?Nothing is visible in the UI but the errors suggest some bits are remaining.
How can one remove all traces of plugins by hand?Nothing is visible in the UI but the errors suggest some bits are remaining.
They'd look like this, e.g.
But the problem with DOI Manager remains.
188BET靠谱吗I have two plugins now, DOI Manager and Zotero Preview...
188BET靠谱吗If a plugin isn't showing up in Tools → Plugins after you've installed it, that would be a Zotero bug, and we'd want to see a screenshot of that.
If there's a problem with a plugin, you'll need to contact the plugin developer for help.
You don't need to keep posting screenshots of the Error Console.We only ever want a Report ID.
You have no extensions installed in that debug log.
My last message checks whether the errors shown below are expected and should be ignored.
My suspision is that addon.xpi refers to my attempt to install Zutilo from GitHub.
There is nothing listed in Plugins.
Oh, and I presumed that the log would have the same info as I see in the error console, not sure how I can view it now to compare.