188BET靠谱吗Problems with the pop-up: You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it.Do you want to

Hello everybody.

188BET靠谱吗I am a relatively new Zotero user, and I am having some problems with the pop-up window "You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it.188BET靠谱吗Do you want to keep your modifications and prevent future updates?", appearing when I try to insert a new citation on Word through the Zotero plugin.

In particular, while the "yes" "no" part is not bothering me and I have seen some other discussions on this forum, I am having some issues because of the size of the pop-up window (see attached picture).When it appears, I am not able to click "yes" or "no" because the corresponding buttons are out of the screen -- because of the size of the pop, indeed.

188BET靠谱吗I am using both Word and Zotero on a MacBook Air.

Any idea on how to solve this issue?It is actually preventing me from working with Zoteer: any new citation I am trying to add on the document, always the same problem!

Thanks a lot
  • 188BET靠谱吗It looks like you somehow ended up with a bibliography within a Zotero citation.That should never happen, and you'll definitely want to reset that.

    Press Return to accept the dialog ("Yes"), and then find that citation, delete it, and replace it with the correct citation.
  • Actually, space bar should trigger "No", which will reset the citation automatically, so you could try that instead.
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