Word intergration with wine

  • Y'all are awesome!I am deeply indebted to all of you for making this work even today.

    188BET靠谱吗Specs: Debian 11, Zotero 5.0.58 (delete everything and downgrade to make it work!check earlier in the thread to find it), Firefox 30 (though I didn't really end up using it after installing), Word 2007 (from CD), PlayOnLinux

    I followed @dokuboyejoand his post above.

    @Jay_s_I tested it with Word 2007!I haven't noticed any successes with Office 365 in the thread yet.Has anyone had success with 365?
  • Also, a note: set the app.update.auto hidden preference to false

    188BET靠谱吗Otherwise, the auto-updater will kick in and you'll have to re-delete zotero, reinstall, and re-paste the .dotm file into Word's STARTUP folder.
  • 188BET靠谱吗Has anyone successfully edited the Zotero.dot file to work with versions of Zotero past 5.0.58?188BET靠谱吗That version of Zotero is now so old that it won't sync my libraries.
  • I'm gonna keep it real with ya,

    I don't know about everyone else (I'm certainly not as invested as others here, I think), but I ended up bailing and going to LibreOffice.It was less work to convert templates and the like to that format than to try to keep managing this, esp.with my libraries.I know that's not the answer you're looking for, but even as a grad student who requires exact Word templates to be followed, I don't quite see any difference in the final PDFs I make (nor do anyone I submit papers to, it seems).In my experience, Calc and Impress still have long ways to go before they can imitate Excel and PowerPoint sufficiently, but I think Writer may be able to get the job done.
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