Page field: what about column or folio?

Citation locators include not only pages but folios/folia and columns.But what if the work itself needs to be entered with a folio-range or column-range instead of a page-range?This can easily occur at least for types such as dictionary/encyclopedia articles (columns), and chapters (in old books or manuscripts, with folios).188BET靠谱吗Couldn't the page field n Zotero offer a drop down menu adding folios and columns as an option for specific types?(since it is an either/or situation, you don't get pages + folios or columns).

"Article" in Dictionary (place date), vol.2, cols.123-124.
  • edited November 21, 2010
    Ah yes, hadn't thought of newspapers, you would need two separate fields, page and column (and no folio) at least for type = newspaper article.188BET靠谱吗Whereas until now Zotero just has pages for newspaper articles anyway, same as other types.

    Manuscripts and early printed books also have folia (or pages) + columns, but they are usually referenced more or less like this: fol. 2ra (fol.2 recto, 1st col.).

    Actually, for folia, it would make sense to have fields for "recto" and "verso", because styles vary: 2 recto can be written out "2r", "2 r", "2r°", "2 r°", or plain "2".
  • 188BET靠谱吗Couldn't the page field n Zotero offer a drop down menu adding folios and columns as an option for specific types?
    And a "plus button" to add more than one locator if needed.(authors-field-like behaviour)?
  • edited November 21, 2010
    Well, for the time being, you just write different ranges into a single field, don't you (p.1-23, 45-56), if say an article is published in several installments.Isn't that sufficient, since you don't need the sophisticated parsing of the author field?

    Edit: oh you mean if you need differents kinds of locators, pages or folios + columns.Yes, why not.But that would really be most useful in the word processor plugin, wouldn't it?
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