188BET靠谱吗PDF Indexing error (zotero standalone and zotero add-on)
Hello, I searched on the forum and found some posts menitioning a problem when indexing PDF files, but these post doesn't give a real solution, so I post it again in case there are any new solution.
188BET靠谱吗I installed, via the zotero preferences, the the pdftotext and pdfinfo plugins (version 3.02) but I still get an error "parameter is incorrect" when trying to index PDF files newly added to the library!after the error the get metadata feauture hangs on, although it does not become irresponsive.
I Hope someone can help.
previous post: 188BET靠谱吗http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/11164/
188BET靠谱吗I installed, via the zotero preferences, the the pdftotext and pdfinfo plugins (version 3.02) but I still get an error "parameter is incorrect" when trying to index PDF files newly added to the library!after the error the get metadata feauture hangs on, although it does not become irresponsive.
I Hope someone can help.
previous post: 188BET靠谱吗http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/11164/
now I found in the need of indexing a collection af PDF documents!188BET靠谱吗so I decided to delete my previous zotero installations, and start from the scratch with a bran new installation!but again these pdf tools do not work!188BET靠谱吗it is maybe because I3m on a protected environment (i.e: I don't have administrative rights on this machine, but that didn't prevent me from installing zotero, nor I had any message that something went wrong in the installation)..
At home I have a mac, and pdf indexing seems to run smoothly.
If you don't mind a console window popping up, you can grab the original versions, rename them to match what's in the 188BET靠谱吗Zotero data directory188BET靠谱吗, and replace Zotero's versions.
best regards
(Also "MacIntel", "MacPPC", "Linux-i686", "Linux-x86_64")
You'll need to rename appropriately.
thanks for any comment you could provide
I submitted the report ID 456857738
188BET靠谱吗I'd recommend deleting the pdf* files, restarting Firefox, and trying to reinstall again from the Zotero preferences.If it's not working after that, it's a problem with your system, and you'll have to talk to your IT folks.
as to the pdf tools, they are those i dowloaded yesterday from the location you gave me.
thanks anyhow
best regards
Might be that certain pdf files do not allow to index their content?I would be surprise as they are normal text pdf, for which the text search within the file is ok.
This one works, so use that for testing:
If that doesn't work, see Dan's requests for Debug and Report ID above.
I submitted another report bug with ID: 4202915 as the error message seems to be different.the pdf file that doesn't index can be downloaded from here:
http://www.localenergy.org/pdfs/Document Library/Exxon Future of Oil and Gas.pdf
I don't know for sure which options pdftotext needs enabled to work, but usually most options are either enabled or not.
Thanks again
The version of pdftotext in the latest version of poppler seems to ignore that restriction, though, and symlinking in poppler's pdftotext installed with Homebrewdoes in fact work.You're on your own for that, though (since if you don't know how to do that installing Homebrew isn't a good idea).
We'll look into bundling a newer version of pdftotext.And hopefully we'll just be switching to pdf.js in the not-too-distant future.