Style request: International journal of Psychoanalysis


I'd like to request a style for The International Journal of Psychoanalysis (IJP), if that would be possible.

Here's a link to the online style documentation:

For additional models, the link above directs to use NLM format as documented here:

A freely available paper formatted with the desired style can be viewed here:
(I was able to view it freely, in any case.I hope it works for others)

188BET靠谱吗The existing style that seems closest is Neuropsychopharmacology (NPP), dated 2012-02-06, as downloaded from the Zotero style repository yesterday.Here are the divergences I've noted!I've tried to be comprehensive.

All uses of et al (eg, in in-text citation and in references list) need to have a period after "et al":
NPP: et al
IJP: et al.

There should be no space after the colon following the volume of the journal:
NPP:Kanner L (1943).Autistic disturbances of affective contact. Nerv Child 2: 217–250.
IJP:Kanner L (1943).Autistic disturbances of affective contact. Nerv Child 2:217–250.

The place and publisher should be at the end of all book citations rather than in the parentheses with the publication date, place needs to come first!book names whould be in sentence case (only the first letter capitalized):
NPP:Miller JH (Fordham University Press: New York, 2005). Literature as Conduct: Speech Acts in Henry James..
IJP:Miller JH (2005). Literature as conduct: speech acts in Henry James.New York: Fordham University Press.

For citations of book sections, the book editor need to be added after the book section title (preceded by "In " and followed by "editor."), the pages of the sections should come before the place and publisher (with "p." added), the place needs to come before the publisher, and titles should be in sentence case:
NPP:Laplanche J, Pontalis J-B (2003).Fantasy and the Origins of Sexuality. Unconscious Phantasy107–144.
IJP:Laplanche J, Pontalis J-B (2003).Fantasy and the origins of sexuality.In Steiner R, editor. Unconscious phantasy, p.107–144.London: Karnac.

Here's an example of a book with different editions - the number of the edition needs to be added:
NPP:American Psychiatric Association (American Psychiatric Association: Washington, DC, 1980). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM III..
IJP:American Psychiatric Association (1980). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM III.3rd edition.Washinton, DC: American Psychiatric Association.

Wherever they occur in the reference list, hyperlinks should not be enclosed in brackets and they should appear as links (is that possible?):
NPP:< hxxp:// >

Internet information is presented very differently in the two styles.Here's the IJP's generic example:
IJP:All about chocolate [Internet].Vienna, VA: National Confectioners Association (NCA)!©1999-2004 [accessed 24 March 2007].Available from:

Here's an example without an author, based in part on the NLM guidelines!188BET靠谱吗I'm not sure which Zotero field the "[Internet]" designation comes from and the name of the website is not in italics:
NPP:Dog. Wikipediaat < hxxp:// >.
IJP:Dog [Internet].Wikipedia [accessed 26 Feb 2012].Available from:

Here's an on-line newspaper article - the IJP style is what I came up from trying to follow the guidelines for NLM also.I'm not sure if a copyright statement is needed or if a place is needed, and like above, the website name is not italicized:
NPP:Mcdonald JB (2012)."The Lifespan of a Fact," by John D'Agata and Jim Fingal. The New York Timesat < hxxp:// >.
IJP:Mcdonald JB.The Lifespan of a Fact.New York Times [Internet].21 Feb 2012 [accessed 21 Feb 2012].Available from:

I haven't found an example of how to cite films, which is something I need to do in my current project - both a film as such and a youtube video.

I hope this is enough information.Thank you very much for your time!
  • Hello,

    I just realized that there is another problem with the in-text citations: IJP wants page numbers of direct citations to appear after the date!these are not included in NPP.

    Thanks again.
  • ok - there's a bit of a backlog, might be a couple of weeks until I get to this.
  • Well that is no problem, and thank you.

    Now that I've tried to formalize the differences a bit, maybe I'll be able to get further with creating/modifying a style.If so, I'll post.
  • that style has been in the repository since may - sorry I didn't let you know.
  • The actual style of the IJP has the title without quotation marks and the journal names abbreviated.
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