188BET靠谱吗Zotero Wishlist from EndNote X6 Features
188BET靠谱吗Zotero Wishlist from EndNote X6 user
188BET靠谱吗(1) Ability to preview and edit/highlight PDF and snapshots within Zotero Standaloe
(2) Faster operation
188BET靠谱吗(3) Parent folder shows all contents of child folder (currently Zotero seems to only show contents of general folder only if you put citations in the general folder)
(4) Read/Unread indicator (bold or not, plus dot filled in or not)
188BET靠谱吗(5) Starring system (or a color-coded custom system would be better--sounds like that might be coming soon in Zotero?)
(6) CITATION TYPES: Database/dataset, personal correspondence, interview, TV or radio broadcast)
188BET靠谱吗(7) Stay within search results after editing (If I do anything in Zotero like edit a field, I get returned to the whole library or folder I was in, rather than the search results).For example, if I'm in a search, then go right click on trash to empty it, I have to re-do the search and figure out where I am.EndNote creates a temporary group called "Search results" that you can always go back to until you do a new search.And of course you can turn that search results folder into a collection.
(8) Ability to right click a selected set of references and create a collection or sub-collection.
188BET靠谱吗(1) Ability to preview and edit/highlight PDF and snapshots within Zotero Standaloe
(2) Faster operation
188BET靠谱吗(3) Parent folder shows all contents of child folder (currently Zotero seems to only show contents of general folder only if you put citations in the general folder)
(4) Read/Unread indicator (bold or not, plus dot filled in or not)
188BET靠谱吗(5) Starring system (or a color-coded custom system would be better--sounds like that might be coming soon in Zotero?)
(6) CITATION TYPES: Database/dataset, personal correspondence, interview, TV or radio broadcast)
188BET靠谱吗(7) Stay within search results after editing (If I do anything in Zotero like edit a field, I get returned to the whole library or folder I was in, rather than the search results).For example, if I'm in a search, then go right click on trash to empty it, I have to re-do the search and figure out where I am.EndNote creates a temporary group called "Search results" that you can always go back to until you do a new search.And of course you can turn that search results folder into a collection.
(8) Ability to right click a selected set of references and create a collection or sub-collection.
2) I'm pretty sure what you're seeing is not normal.20k items is large, but not that unusual
188BET靠谱吗3) look for "recursiveCollections" hidden pref: //www.brodersterzo.com/support/preferences/hidden_preferences#general_preferences
188BET靠谱吗4/5) http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/1787/3/simple-marking-of-items/#Item_18
6) not sure what you mean - except for dataset those all exist?Dataset will be added.
7) you can create saved searches from the advanced search!that said, you're not the first person requesting something along those lines - not sure what devs are currently thinking about this, but search history is one thing that has been discussed.
8) easier group assignment is planned, but details aren't quite clear yet, wouldn't expect that to happen super soon.