4.0 beta bugs

I'm just going to start a thread for all the bugs I come across in the 4.0 beta, because coming up with titles for each one is hard.

188BET靠谱吗Unless otherwise stated, these are all in Firefox 19.0.2, Windows 7, and Zotero for Firefox add-on.The commit I'm testing against is given next to each bug.

I realize that some of these have probably been around for a while.

Bug #1 (@ 4e1fbf9747):

Does anyone else see this behavior? http://i.imgur.com/P9MsujV.png

I can select collections/library root by clicking on them and it works fine, but I can also select them on the right side of the collection tree pane.If it helps, I do have a group library displayed below (cut off from the screen capture).

Bug #2 (@ 4e1fbf9747):

Nit more than anything I suppose, but I can right-click drag the "Group Libraries" entry in the collection tree and when I release, it creates a small square.I'm guessing that's the right-click pop-up with nothing in it.
  • Bug #3 (@ 4e1fbf9747):

    1.Create item (in library root for ease of explanation).
    2.Add a note.Item now has an arrow next to it (good).
    3.Delete note.Arrow disappears (good).
    4.Go to trash.
    5.Go back to library root.Item now has an arrow next to it, but it doesn't do anything (bad).
    6.Empty trash.
    7.Go back to library root.Arrow is still there (more bad).
  • edited March 14, 2013
    This is great, but could you post these to the dev list instead?Since the 4.0 beta isn't actually out yet—these are just dev builds—I don't want to confuse people here.
  • I didn't want to spam people's inboxes with discussions about this, but yeah, people might get confused.I'll post it to the dev list.
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