Report ID 1873754569
188BET靠谱吗I have a large library saved to Zotero Standalone, and have been experiencing numerous freezes, crashes and sync problems in recent weeks.
188BET靠谱吗Today, I needed to do a hard reset on my computer twice, as Zotero appeared to crash all programs, starting with Zotero and Chrome.
The latest report ID is: 1873754569 but there have also been problems with the XULRunner program.
188BET靠谱吗I welcome your input, as currently the reliability problems mean I cannot write from my laptop, and need to use another computer with the Zotero web interface only.
Thank you for your time.
188BET靠谱吗I have a large library saved to Zotero Standalone, and have been experiencing numerous freezes, crashes and sync problems in recent weeks.
188BET靠谱吗Today, I needed to do a hard reset on my computer twice, as Zotero appeared to crash all programs, starting with Zotero and Chrome.
The latest report ID is: 1873754569 but there have also been problems with the XULRunner program.
188BET靠谱吗I welcome your input, as currently the reliability problems mean I cannot write from my laptop, and need to use another computer with the Zotero web interface only.
Thank you for your time.
188BET靠谱吗How large is your Zotero library?金博宝世界杯体育赛事Any large groups you belong to?
Does the behavior go away if you disable auto-sync for testing?
188BET靠谱吗I have over 2000 items in my Zotero library, but I do not belong to any groups.
I have not yet tried disabling auto-sync, but will do so when I am back at my laptop after work tomorrow.
I disabled the auto-sync, and unfortunately, this has not solved the problem.So far today, the program is freezing for a few minutes at a time but not crashing.
Thanks for your time.
@Dan -- can you see anything in the error report?
If not, when exactly is it freezing?Can you provide a Debug IDthat covers one such freeze?
I'm also getting this a lot at the moment.XUL not responding.I reboot my laptop frequently but it's getting disruptive.
188BET靠谱吗I just disabled all extensions in Chrome bar Zotero and McAfee.Would McAfee be the problem?Could it be a laptop issue?
I have infinite storage and I do have a lot stored.But this is a recent problem, and happens on opening Stand Alone, saving things to it, opening things - any function basically.188BET靠谱吗As I rely on Zotero it's inconvenient.
Any advice appreciated.
Thanks for the reply.
For some reason, the updates to this thread were not reaching me.
Danstillman: no, it is a Windows 7 laptop, no touch screen.I cannot provide a further Debug ID because the latest problems (from today) have required a hard reset, twice.The computer did not respond to CTRL+ALT+DEL.
In the past few days, I thought that disabling the auto sync had helped, as adamsmith suggested.188BET靠谱吗However, today's problems occurred when trying to add a web page to Zotero using the Chrome Connector.I will try to uninstall this to see if it helps.
Sorry you have a similar problem, ElizabethGPearson.
Thanks for your time.
I'm still getting (not responding) a lot, despite having switched autosynch off and made the tags invisible.
Is there anything else I can do?
Also, what's the total item count for your library?
This is what came up in the footnotes area:
188BET靠谱吗ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"teUTpkQs","properties":{"formattedCitation":"Jacques and Taylor 2008, 35.","plainCitation":"Jacques and Taylor 2008, 35."},"citationItems":[{"id":1636,"uris":["//"],"uri":["//"],"itemData":{"id":1636,"type":"article-journal","title":"No Title","page":"1–40","author":[{"family":"Jacques","given":"Karen"},{"family":"Taylor","given":"Paul J"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2008"]]}},"locator":"35"}],"schema":""} Jacques and Taylor 2008, 35
I submitted an error report instead
What do you mean by "that box wasn't enabled to do so" The box to start the debug process or the one to send it?188BET靠谱吗Whenever you do anything in Zotero, it will log something in the debug log which you can then send, so either something is broken at a more basic level or the instructions weren't clear at some point.
Click "Enable" under Debug Output Logging.
Immediately perform the relevant action (syncing, saving, importing, etc.).
188BET靠谱吗Before doing anything else, click "Submit to Zotero Server"
188BET靠谱吗The " submit to Zotero Server" box could not be clicked on.
188BET靠谱吗My problem with recurrent freezing and crashing seems to have been corrected by a) disabling the auto-sync feature, and b) uninstalling the Zotero Chrome Connector.
188BET靠谱吗Manually syncing my Zotero Library slows Chrome and other programs slightly, but not (so far) to the point of a freeze.No crashes since Wednesday.
Thanks for your time.
188BET靠谱吗But don't we need the Chrome Connector to input data into Zotero??
188BET靠谱吗I find it takes me 30 seconds to transfer manually the title, author, date and URL from web-based sources to Zotero.Freezes and crashes were costing me several minutes per resource.
Beyond that, see Dan and my requests for debug IDs covering such a slowdown or freeze.Not much he'd be able to say without that.
I'll wait for it to malfunction again then send the report.
Do want it cleared up.
Haven't used it much today.
Thanks for your help