Arabic and right to left languges

unfortunately There is no citation styles that conform with Arabic.for example, many Arabic institutions prefer to start the bibliography with the name of the book not the author.
Another issue is when inserting the citation in the word document the bracts (XXX,2001) opens to the opposite side like this )XXX,2001( unless i change the text direction from right to left to left to right.
I hope you will take into your account the Arabic user of this great software.

Thank you
  • Is there a specific journal or style guide that you are looking for support for?

    Could you clarify what you mean by "unless i change the text direction from right to left to left to right"?Change the direction of which text, the inserted reference or the entire document?
  • Thank you for your prompt reply.
    For styles, i would like to find a support the major universities styles for Arabic and Islamic studies research.e.g.Al Azhar University, or University of Jordan.

    regarding the format issue, i mean the direction of the paragraph that contain the citation.In right to left languages enabled software like Ms Word, users have the option to define the paragraph direction whether it Rtl or Ltr.

    Another issue in the bibliography, the no of edition become before the word edition for example (2 edition) instead of (edition2)
  • Okay, I see what you mean.

    To request a specific style, please follow the directions here, and one of the volunteers who contributes CSL styles should be able to put one together:

    Importantly, we need you to format the exact two requested references, not just any two random references.Links to the style guides for those universities will also be helpful.

    188BET靠谱吗For the flipping of the punctuation, Zotero's citation processor should just handle that correctly if you have your Word document set to RtL.What style are you currently using?188BET靠谱吗If a generic style, such as APA or Chicago, set the language in the Document Preferences pane in the Zotero Word tab/toolbar to Arabic.Does that fix the issue?

    The word ordering for edition label and number are controlled by the citation style.
  • This is great.first i will try to edit a style my self.
  • edited July 12, 2017
    Although, i managed to make some desired changes to the Chicago note style to make it very near to the style i wish, i couldn't figure out how to reorder the elements in a specific group like the edition term and its always get out in the undesired flipped order (the number of the edition comes before the term edition).is there any walk-around?by the way, I tried in the Csl editor to put edition (term) before #edition, but it seems to have no effect on the wrong order.
  • edited July 12, 2017
    Can you post your style to a secret gist here:

    and paste a link in this thread?
  • 188BET靠谱吗Could you also post a link to Dropbox or similar with a word document that has a some Zotero references and bibliography in a right to left format?I don't use those features, so it would be much faster to work with a document from you.
  • I managed to solve the problem now.and her is the new link

    but i still couldn't remove a period mark "." after the edition short form it seems to be part of the short form itself, because i tried to modify the group delimiter but in vain.
  • Add strip-periods="true"to the edition line.
  • 188BET靠谱吗her is a link to a file having Arabic text with Zotero referencing
  • edited July 15, 2017
    Adding "strip-periods="true"" solved the problem.thank you very much.

    Is there anyway to add an Arabic Hijri Calendar field in addition to the existing Gregorian calendar?
  • 188BET靠谱吗I think NO, there is only item date and no flag about type of calendar in Zotero.Maybe in some future version will be available custom date types.
  • No, sorry.What exactly are you hoping to see for a citation with the other calendar system?
  • I just want the date to look like this 2017/1438.the first one is the Gregorian calendar and the other is the Hijri Arabic equal year date.

    Another important inquiry
    how can i make the citation and the bibliography start with the title of the book or article.
  • For the citation you could switch contributors-short with title-short in lines 1234 and 1237 for example.
  • A workaround for the two dates would be to enter the Hirji date in Extra like this:

    original-date: 1438

    Then in your style, add the ‘original-date' variable to your ‘issued' macro.
  • thanks damnation, its OK now.
    thanks bwiernik.the workaround is quite enough.
  • Hicri ve miladi takvimi aynı anda yazmak için ilave kısmına issued: "1410/1979" yazmak gerekiyor.Ben bunu yazdığımda bazı eserler dipnotta bu tarihi veriyor.Bazı eserlerde ne yazık ki dipnotta tarihi göstermiyor.Bu sorunu çözmek için ne yapmam gerekiyor?Bilgisi olan var mı ?
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