Style change request: Glossa

edited September 29, 2017
The Glossa style needs some tweaks, based on their own stylesheet.Their example:
Thomason & Kaufman (1988: 276–280) point out that the northern dialects of English show more morphological innovations (and are morphologically more simple) than the southern English dialects.
Currently the Glossa style produces `(Thomason & Kaufman 1988 pp.276-280)`.This should be `(Thomason & Kaufman 1988: 276-280)`

I would do this myself (a close enough model is here) but I got lost in the CSL code and didn't find a way to get rid of the space between the year and the colon delimiter (the linked thread produces `(Thomason & Kaufman 1988 : 276-280)`).
  • cc @damnationwho created the style

    (DIY instructions: To get rid of the space move the out of the group, i.e.two lines down, and add prefix=": ".You then just have to remove the label from the citation-locator macro)
  • Fabulous, thank you!
  • edited November 29, 2017
    Based on an edited version of a paper I just got back, a couple more further tiny changes would be necessary:

    In-text citations
    1.In in-text citations with <4 authors, there should be no Oxford comma, i.e., "(Iwasaki, Sells & Akita 2016)" instead of (Iwasaki, Sells, & Akita 2016).(For more authors, see #4.)
    2.Multiple in-text citations should be separated by a semi-colon, i.e."(Doe 2016!2017)" and "(Doe 2016!Miller 2017)".(Right now it's a comma.)
    3.In-text citations with >3 authors should be abbreviated with "et al." after the first author (their style guide says "the first surname plus et al.can be used" but it looks they enforce this.

    1.Editor name should not be initialised (just like authors).I managed to make this edit for my local copy in the online editor, so no hurry, but the Glossa staff tell me that is indeed their official style.
    2.Pairs of editors, just like pairs of authors, should be separated by '&' not ','.
    3.There should not be a period between journal name and volume/issue number — so "Campbell, John L.& Ove K.Pedersen.2007.The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies40(3).307–332." and NOT "Campbell, John L.& Ove K.Pedersen.2007.The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies.40(3).307–332."
    4.Dissertations are currently like this: "Liberman, Mark.1975. The intonational system of English(PhD dissertation).MIT." They should be like this: "Liberman, Mark.1975. The intonational system of English.Cambridge, MA: MIT dissertation."

    I'm afraid don't know CSL well enough (anymore) to make these changes, even though they seem fairly simple — any help appreciated!
  • Any chance someone like @damnation, @bwiernikor @adamsmithcould help out with this?188BET靠谱吗No hurry, but these are changes that I've confirmed with the journal staff are needed, and it would be great if Zotero could offer the correct Glossa style.
  • @markI have a very few time, so there is only in-text citation errors corrected.Please, try it and send here the results.
  • edited November 30, 2017
  • Looking good!The only thing still missing, as far as I can see, is the place for dissertations.So what is now:

    • Akita, Kimi.2009.A Grammar of Sound-Symbolic Words in Japanese: Theoretical Approaches to Iconic and Lexical Properties of Japanese Mimetics.Kobe University dissertation.

    • Liberman, Mark.1975.The intonational system of English.MIT dissertation.

    should be:

    • Akita, Kimi.2009.A Grammar of Sound-Symbolic Words in Japanese: Theoretical Approaches to Iconic and Lexical Properties of Japanese Mimetics.Kobe: Kobe University dissertation.

    • Liberman, Mark.1975.The intonational system of English.Cambridge, MA: MIT dissertation.

  • edited November 30, 2017
    188BET靠谱吗Are you sure that you have correct data in your Zotero?My testing output looks:

    Berger, Markus.2014. Water Footprint – Assessing Impacts of Water Use along Product Life Cycles.Berlin: Technischen Universität Berlin dissertation.Retrieved from

    188BET靠谱吗in Zotero I have
    Place: Berlin
    University: Technischen Universität Berlin
  • My bad, you are right!Works perfectly.(Glossa is making their life difficult by requesting this info, which isn't available in all dissertation repositories, but that is their own problem...)
  • OK.Pull request ( was created.After validation of the style by admins, it will be added to the official repository.
  • Thanks so much for your help!
  • Updated style is in the repository.188BET靠谱吗The style in your Zotero should be updated automatically.
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