Adapting bookmarklet?

Is it possible to amend the script in the bookmarlet ( 188BET靠谱吗// to always place records into a specific folder, e.g.Inbox?

This would be very useful so that I know to check that folder later for newly-added records and edit, add tags, etc.

  • 188BET靠谱吗No, that's not possible, but you can get close to this functionality by using a Saved Search in Zotero with the conditions that the item was added in, say, the last two weeks and doesn't have any tags associated with it.
  • I realise now that the best search for items needing attention is:

    Added in the last month AND not in any collection

    I cannot see how to use advanced search to find items *not* in any collection - it looks like I have to specify "is not" for every single collection.There must be a shorter way?
  • It doesn't seem like "Not in any collection" is currently possible.If you consistently use tags of some sort, you could use the condition: "Tag" "does not contain" "%" to get all un-tagged items.

    Another, even easier option, would be to use the Unfiled Items special collection at the bottom of the left and sort by the Date Added column.

    @dstillmanA while back you mentioned it might be possible to add "Unfiled Items" and "Duplicate items" as collections in Advanced Search.I understand that there might be performance consequences for Duplicate Items, but would Unflied Items have similar impacts?
  • Ah, yes,it looks like 'Unfiled Items" will achieve what I want.

    Thanks @bwiernik.
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