Full "previously published as" citation within Extra field for APA?
188BET靠谱吗First, thanks for continuing to develop and support Zotero.It's awesome.I'm using it to manage citations for my doctoral thesis.
Some of the works I am citing in my dissertation were previously published as journal articles, and have subsequently been collected as chapters in a print book.The journal chapters are no longer widely available, so the print edition is the best source to cite.However, I would like to include the original publication information in my bibliography.
I looked at 188BET靠谱吗//www.brodersterzo.com/support/kb/item_types_and_fields#citing_fields_from_extra, and I didn't see a clear way to accomplish this from the documentation.(And I don't know if the APA 6 CSL supports it, but I could always add some fields for to a local CSL if need be.)
It would be nice if there were some way simply to append a field to the end of a citation, so that whatever miscellaneous comments the author wished to add could easily be added.(I realize this might not agree with your design philosophy, but it would solve my current problem and possibly other similar problems for other folks.)
In the current implementation, is there any way to do this?
188BET靠谱吗First, thanks for continuing to develop and support Zotero.It's awesome.I'm using it to manage citations for my doctoral thesis.
Some of the works I am citing in my dissertation were previously published as journal articles, and have subsequently been collected as chapters in a print book.The journal chapters are no longer widely available, so the print edition is the best source to cite.However, I would like to include the original publication information in my bibliography.
I looked at 188BET靠谱吗//www.brodersterzo.com/support/kb/item_types_and_fields#citing_fields_from_extra, and I didn't see a clear way to accomplish this from the documentation.(And I don't know if the APA 6 CSL supports it, but I could always add some fields for to a local CSL if need be.)
It would be nice if there were some way simply to append a field to the end of a citation, so that whatever miscellaneous comments the author wished to add could easily be added.(I realize this might not agree with your design philosophy, but it would solve my current problem and possibly other similar problems for other folks.)
In the current implementation, is there any way to do this?
Original Date: 1964
If desired, you could also add additional information in brackets after the title by adding it to Extra like this:
Medium: Article originally published inJournal
I have stumbled upon a solution!
Simply including all the info after
like this:original-date:1989 inMy Favorite Obscure Journal, 6,pp.3–10.
And I get
Author, T.(2005).Test item.In Fixing problems with bibliographic references(pp.182–188).Portland, OR: Anyways Press.(Original work published 1989 in My Favorite Obscure Journal, 6,pp.3–10.)
Thanks for your help, @bwiernik☺
Instead, as the reprinted article is published as a book chapter, I recommend you just store the original publication information in Edition:
reprinted fromMy Favorite Obscure Journal, 6,pp.3–10
While also keeping the original publication date in Extra:
(Note that you should not include a "." with the reprinted information, as APA does not generally want full stops inside of parentheses, and you can use the more-readable "Original Date:" rather than "original-date:")
If you really, really want the original year and publication in the same set of parentheses, I can help you make that work, but it would involve installing a custom version of the apa.csl style file.
If I write a text and lets say use a translation, and if want to include the year of the original publication and the year of the translation, how do I do this?
Leenhardt, Maurice (1947/1983) Do kamo.Die Person und der Mythos in der melanesischen Welt, Frankfurt/Main, Berlin, Wien
1947 the work was published in French
1983 it was published in German.
How do I manage a citation style with the two dates within brackets like (1947/1983)
original-date: 1947
in the Extra field will do just this, but it needs to be implemented in the citation style.Which one are you using?
Original date: 1947
Should I want to use the Extra field for this purpose, you say to write in: "original date: 1947".Do you mean type that every time I fill in that field?If so, may I suggest Text Expander.
For Citations: Carl Schmitt, "Ethic of State and Pluralistic State," in The Challenge of Carl Schmitt, ed.Chantal Mouffe, trans.David Dyzenhaus, Phronesis (1930!repr., London: Verso, 1999), 195–208.
For Bibliography: Schmitt, Carl."Ethic of State and Pluralistic State." In The Challenge of Carl Schmitt, edited by Chantal Mouffe, translated by David Dyzenhaus, 195–208.Phronesis.1930.Reprint, London: Verso, 1999.
Obviously, a translation is not a reprint.Instead, the outcome should look like:
For Citations: Carl Schmitt, "Ethic of State and Pluralistic State," in The Challenge of Carl Schmitt, ed.Chantal Mouffe, trans.David Dyzenhaus, Phronesis (London: Verso, 1999 [1930]), 195–208.
For Bibliography: Schmitt, Carl."Ethic of State and Pluralistic State." In The Challenge of Carl Schmitt, edited by Chantal Mouffe, translated by David Dyzenhaus, 195–208.Phronesis.London: Verso, 1999 [1930].
Alternatively, I could use:
For Citations: Carl Schmitt, "Ethic of State and Pluralistic State" [1930], in The Challenge of Carl Schmitt, ed.Chantal Mouffe, trans.David Dyzenhaus, Phronesis (London: Verso, 1999), 195–208.
For Bibliography: Schmitt, Carl."Ethic of State and Pluralistic State" [1930].In The Challenge of Carl Schmitt, edited by Chantal Mouffe, translated by David Dyzenhaus, 195–208.Phronesis.London: Verso, 1999.
Basically, anything that gives the original date is optimal, so long as it doesn't suggest the book is a reprint.What's the easiest way to do this?I know for books, the second is super easy - not sure for articles.Is there a way to remove the quotation marks from a section of the journal article title?(E.g."Ethic of State and Pluralistic State" [1930], rather than "Ethic of State and Pluralistic State [1930]".)