Options when asked what you'd like to save from a list of citations

For some pages, a frame/window opens, presenting users with a list of citations they could save, inviting them to select which ones to save.

Could this list be modified to include the page itself?188BET靠谱吗It'd be a very useful work-around for when we're offered this page and can't get the long-press on the zotero icon to work (as is currently the case for me), as in that situation there's no way to save these pages that this pop-up window appears.

I've always liked the notion of providing users more than one way of doing things, if it's available.188BET靠谱吗I also like the notion that zotero can always save the page as a basic URL + title, even if it can't make further sense of the page.

FWIW, I've also once seen this page presented when I tried to file a Twitter account: rather than simply file the account, it asked if I'd like to file each of the first twenty-odd tweets!

BTW: Love the new feature that lets us choose what collection to save to straight from the web browser - very nice.
  • I don't think this should be done, no.A very common use case for the multiple select is to select all and import.Adding the original page in there will cause additional clicks at best and undesired and hard-to-understand behavior at worst.

    And building in clunky workarounds for existing functionality (which it appears is now working for you again) is not, I think, good design.
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