How to get author-short title in subsequent citations?
Apologies if this has been covered before.188BET靠谱吗I'm new to Zotero.
I'm currently using the Modern Language Review style.But it only cites the author in subsequent footnotes.I want it to cite author, short title.Is it possible to change this easily?
If not, I am open to suggestions for other styles that do this automatically.
Ideally, I want my citations to read as:
First citation: C.M.Cipolla, Before the Industrial Revolution: European Society and Economy, 1100–1700, trans.F.Franks (London: Methuen, 1976), p.60.
Then: Cipolla, Before the Industrial Revolution, p.62.
Is there also a style that does just author-short title throughout?
Apologies if this has been covered before.188BET靠谱吗I'm new to Zotero.
I'm currently using the Modern Language Review style.But it only cites the author in subsequent footnotes.I want it to cite author, short title.Is it possible to change this easily?
If not, I am open to suggestions for other styles that do this automatically.
Ideally, I want my citations to read as:
First citation: C.M.Cipolla, Before the Industrial Revolution: European Society and Economy, 1100–1700, trans.F.Franks (London: Methuen, 1976), p.60.
Then: Cipolla, Before the Industrial Revolution, p.62.
Is there also a style that does just author-short title throughout?
Thanks so much for all your help with this!
I suppose I could always type in I add page references as I go along?
Or, I might just write to them and ask if they really care about the 'p.'!
Footnote 1:
Kittel, 1964 (TDNT) 2:221 (δικαίωμα:B1)
(That is: author et al, year (short title, italics).Page number.)
Subsequent footnotes:
TDNT 2:221 (δικαίωμα:B1)
(That is: Short title: Page number.)
Optionally: Author, short title, page.
188BET靠谱吗As for now, as you can see below, Zotero doesn´t even include the short title in the bibliography:
Kittel, Gerhard, Gerhard Friedrich, og Geoffrey W.Bromiley, red.1964.Theological Dictionary of the New Testament.Logos Edition.Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.
The style I'm using is a modification of Chicago.All footnotes (first and subsequent) are "author yyyy:page number".I would like to change the style manually to let first footnote include whole title (author, full title, yyyy:page), and let subsequent footnotes have "author, short title, page number" only.My school's manual of style allows me to, but I don't know how to manually modify the style I'm currently using.
This is great -
Victor H.Matthews, Judges and Ruth, New Cambridge Bible Commentary (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 4.
Block, Judges, Ruth, 6:147.
Butler, Judges, 8:lvii.
This is not -
Butler, Judges, 8:xvi.
Butler, 8:lxvi.
Block, Judges, Ruth, 6:52.
Lilley, ‘A Literary Appreciation of the Book of Judges', 102.
Where butler in the second section loses his title but somehow keeps his volume number
This would be absolutely helpful.That should be it:
Or, for note styles we could perhaps use a naming scheme that indicates how citations are rendered depending on their position: styleguide-note-first-subsequent-ibid
- Chicago fullnote style without the new ibid rule:
- Chicago note style that always uses short form:
- Chicago note style with ibid:
- Chicago note style with the new ibid rule
Is there a style for CMOS 16th edition which does this?I mean, it creates subsequent footnotes with Author last name, Short title, page number without the letter 'p'?
I can't seem to find in CMOS style list, one that says WITHOUT Ibid.Thanks.
Is there a solution to this problem?
Tried this style, it's for CMOS (full note).Looking for a similar one for CMOS (note) that renders subsequent footnotes with last name, short title, and page number instead of ibid and without altogether getting rid of the title.
1.Morrison, Beloved, 3.
2.Morrison, Beloved, 18.
3.Morrison, Beloved, 18.
Thanks. do what you want (right-click --> save link as on this link and then just double-click on the file to install)
I believe this is likely to get overwritten periodically if you install this exact version, so you'd have to open in a text editor and change the style id as described here:
However, one issue still remains.In the subsequent footnotes, the rendering is now getting rid of the title altogether instead of shortening it.E.g.:
1.Morrison, Beloved, 3.
I hope this 'new' style could be tweaked to deliver with the short title.Unfortunately, I don't know anything about visual editor or tweaking.Thank you once again.
If it doesn't, it has likely auto-updated, see my note and link about the style id, which really is simple to do.
When I insert a note, it always takes the short title.But I want the title as the first note and then afterwards, when I have inserted another note, the short title, but now it goes like:
Hjorth Pedersen, Respekt!, 12.
Lippert-Rasmussen, Politisk teori og filosofi, 45.
Hjorth Pedersen, Respekt!, 14.
Lippert-Rasmussen, Politisk teori og filosofi, 47.