Feature request: LiquidText integration
188BET靠谱吗Hello ZoteroTeam,
there are great new tools to read, annotate and summarize PDF articles (similar to those available in Citavi) both on mobile devices and desktop:
- LiquidText: https://www.liquidtext.net
- MarginNote: https://www.marginnote.com
These programs allow to export the annotated articles as PDF.However, it is a very tedious procedure to replace the original PDF file in the literature library with the annotated version.It would be much nicer if they could sync/the original could be replaced by the annotated file seamlessly.
The only downside is that once a PDF has been exported LiquidText annotations can not be edited anymore.Only the original LiquidText file is yet editable in the program.Thus, it would be even better if the LiquidText file could be stored next to the annotated PDF file too.This would allow to continue editing, for example when re-reading a paper.
The MindMaps available to Docear users also sound helpful/useful for creating literature reviews (see feature comparison here: http://www.docear.org).
188BET靠谱吗Many thanks for conisdering an integration into a future version of Zotero!
there are great new tools to read, annotate and summarize PDF articles (similar to those available in Citavi) both on mobile devices and desktop:
- LiquidText: https://www.liquidtext.net
- MarginNote: https://www.marginnote.com
These programs allow to export the annotated articles as PDF.However, it is a very tedious procedure to replace the original PDF file in the literature library with the annotated version.It would be much nicer if they could sync/the original could be replaced by the annotated file seamlessly.
The only downside is that once a PDF has been exported LiquidText annotations can not be edited anymore.Only the original LiquidText file is yet editable in the program.Thus, it would be even better if the LiquidText file could be stored next to the annotated PDF file too.This would allow to continue editing, for example when re-reading a paper.
The MindMaps available to Docear users also sound helpful/useful for creating literature reviews (see feature comparison here: http://www.docear.org).
188BET靠谱吗Many thanks for conisdering an integration into a future version of Zotero!
188BET靠谱吗especially because when you work with iPad+Mac you have iCloud which mean i can work and update PDFs simultaneously from both machines, but Zotero copy the PDFs to the software local folder which makes a problem.
188BET靠谱吗The only issue is how to sync in between: When reopening the file in liquitext, will it first need to check if the local file is out of date and get back to Zotero-Cloud for updates?188BET靠谱吗How will it convene the local elements from a former version from the cloud with the now "new" PDF someone else edited (new highlights etc.) in the meantime, potentially with a different device (annotating on PC via zotero-app and pdf editor).
188BET靠谱吗The only way here, would be an additional file-format, that interlinks the modified PDFs so as to rebuild the first structure (all liquidfile-specific references etc.), while combining the modified elements (just annotations, highlights, notes), into a file liquidtext can then again send back to Zotero.Syncing with different devices and file versions and kinds of modifications is really tricky, but one would need to agree on the work flow.188BET靠谱吗Maybe something like the papership app on ipad, before the sync was broken to to newer Zotero version.I would like to see that with liquidtext, I would pay premium for.
Follow the instructions in this video (turn on the subtitles)
Afterwards, your files will be synced to DropBox.
Important: If you import a file now into LiquidText from your DropBox folder, every time close this LiquidText project, there will be a prompt asking you, if you want to send the changes to the original (DropBox) file.Click "Send Changes".
You can also click configure LiquidText to always send the changes back to the original file (meaning for every project) or you can specify it to save it always for this project.
Now you can
a) excerpt text from the pdfs into the workspace (not imageselect)
b) annotate text with the text selection tool (not the yellow pen or marker)
c) add comments to your pdf
188BET靠谱吗And all this text will be loaded as a Zotero note if you right click on one Zotero item and choose Manage Attachments > Extract Annotations
Is schmedu's instruction set sufficient for single PDF projects?I think so, although perhaps a bit cumbersome.188BET靠谱吗(And that should work with Zotero storage as well, I think)
Upvote for this joined effort!!!
Or any other effort toward iPad reading and annotation, actually.
Papership is dying, support email does not exist anymore...it was great.Sigh
LiquidText developers are active on twitter, you could ask there or through support, so far they are busy with sync-between-devices function