If you mean the conference proceedings volume, then enter it as a Book.If you mean the event itself, currently, the best approach is to add these as Presentation.What style are you using, and what do you expect the reference to look like?
I meant the event and I ended up picking "Presentation" as the closest.This isn't related to a style or even the need to cite.188BET靠谱吗I am introducing Zotero to a group and want our meeting agendas to be available through Zotero.So, I wanted to create a "Meeting" item and add all meeting related documents, such as agenda, to the main item.I could probably also use "Document" type.
Is there a plan to add "Meeting" as an item type?Wouldn't this be a fairly common need when people need to cite just the conference (or any kind of meeting) and not the proceedings or a paper?
Citing meetings or conferences isn't particularly common, no.Citing performances is common in some arts/humanities fields!a "Performance" type could likely substitute for "Meeting" if needed.
In terms of ever citing or referring to your agenda/minutes, Document or Report would probably be best, so that might be a good option for you.
Is there a plan to add "Meeting" as an item type?Wouldn't this be a fairly common need when people need to cite just the conference (or any kind of meeting) and not the proceedings or a paper?
In terms of ever citing or referring to your agenda/minutes, Document or Report would probably be best, so that might be a good option for you.