Wrong font size in citation
Hi everyone,
after the recent updete(?) I have a problem regarding the font size of my citations.188BET靠谱吗The standart font of my document is calibri 11 but somehow zotero formats the citations in Calibri 12.Can anyone help please?
after the recent updete(?) I have a problem regarding the font size of my citations.188BET靠谱吗The standart font of my document is calibri 11 but somehow zotero formats the citations in Calibri 12.Can anyone help please?
And this is what it shows if I click on a Citation: https://ibb.co/c3Vhb6K
as you can see somehow all Citations are in larger font size
Ps.: in the parentheses it literally just says body text.but changing that to the nomal calibri also didn't make a difference.
and https://ibb.co/YZcSgnd
I did change the font to see if the parentheses would make a difference but it didn't
188BET靠谱吗I can't control the font size which Zotero uses with the bibliography.I don't know anything about the code which is used to write the individual styles.But I nevertheless looked through the code for any commands which contain e.g.188BET靠谱吗"size" "point" or "12" (Zotero is imposing on me a 12.5p font size).There is referral to the letter font, italic, bold, etc.But not size.
Of course I can just apply a style within the native word-processing program, but that's not the point.Every time that the biolography is updated....the word processor format must be re-applied.
My specs are: using a modern Mac, running Catalania 10.15,5, LibreOffice
Thanks (again)
Sorry, but I did all the above, and even modifying the "Bibliography" style, everytime the reference list is updated it comes back to Times New Roman 12.
Are there any other options w/o unlinking the references?Thanks a lot