Web connector not picking up a publishing site that has DOI Links
Report ID: 1424510495
Hi, I'd like to pull lists of books/articles in from the following site ( https://www.developmentbookshelf.com/action/showPublications188BET靠谱吗) but Zotero requires me to go to each specific article/book page in order to do so.The main browsing list simply has links, but the links have the DOI embedded in it.188BET靠谱吗Is there a way to get Zotero to scrape these lists?188BET靠谱吗Mendeley is able to scrape these links as well as download most of the PDFs, so I suppose I can use that and then sync with Zotero, but I'd rather not.
Also, the same organization has a sister site that doesnt use DOIs, but has ISBNs.( https://developmentbookshop.com/ebooks).I'd love to be able to do a batch process rather than open each page.188BET靠谱吗Mendeley isn't successful here, but it does recognize a book reference on the book pages given the ISBN - Zotero just saves a web page reference.
They have another site with smaller, non-DOI, papers that I'd love to be able to batch link (and even download the PDFs if possible) as well - ( https://answers.practicalaction.org/our-resources/collection/biofuel-and-biomass-1).Mendeley doesnt work here other than saving a webpage.
I've tried it on both Chrome and Firefox to no avail.
Hi, I'd like to pull lists of books/articles in from the following site ( https://www.developmentbookshelf.com/action/showPublications188BET靠谱吗) but Zotero requires me to go to each specific article/book page in order to do so.The main browsing list simply has links, but the links have the DOI embedded in it.188BET靠谱吗Is there a way to get Zotero to scrape these lists?188BET靠谱吗Mendeley is able to scrape these links as well as download most of the PDFs, so I suppose I can use that and then sync with Zotero, but I'd rather not.
Also, the same organization has a sister site that doesnt use DOIs, but has ISBNs.( https://developmentbookshop.com/ebooks).I'd love to be able to do a batch process rather than open each page.188BET靠谱吗Mendeley isn't successful here, but it does recognize a book reference on the book pages given the ISBN - Zotero just saves a web page reference.
They have another site with smaller, non-DOI, papers that I'd love to be able to batch link (and even download the PDFs if possible) as well - ( https://answers.practicalaction.org/our-resources/collection/biofuel-and-biomass-1).Mendeley doesnt work here other than saving a webpage.
I've tried it on both Chrome and Firefox to no avail.
For 2 and 3 one would have to write custom import code -- doable, but probably not very high priority -- first time this site has ever been mentioned here.
1.It can scrape all of these AND find copies of most of the PDFs.
2.It recognizes references given the ISBN on the page.188BET靠谱吗Zotero just makes a web page copy.
3.188BET靠谱吗Same as zotero - web page copy.
Is #1 easy enough to do with a href?
I wouldnt expect a big effort for the other two though for #2, is there an adjustment that can be made in order to scrape the ISBN and create a proper reference rather than saving a web page?
Its a fantastic resource if you guys haven't seen it - huge repository of quality materials for developmental work (my field).
@nixsee: We could do that, but the main problem is that there aren't proper APIs for many ISBN lookups like there are for DOIs.188BET靠谱吗Granted, you can paste multiple ISBNs into Add Item by Identifier and Zotero will do the lookups, but that's a bit more intentional than just clicking the folder icon and retrieving metadata for any ISBN that might appear on the page.(I don't know what Mendeley is doing.It's possible they're doing lookups in their own database, but they're a bit more casual about data accuracy and sharing — identifiers seem to be frequently linked to wrong or incomplete items based on other people's entries.)
It seems to me that being able to scrape ISBNs is more efficient, even if having to double check them, than doing it all manually.
If you decide to do any of this, how might these sorts of changes be implemented?188BET靠谱吗In upcoming general updates for Zotero?Something I'd have to install myself?
188BET靠谱吗To clarify, though, you don't have to enter metadata manually in Zotero — you can just paste the ISBN into Add Item by Identifier to retrieve the metadata.The question is just turning that on for a site that might have dozens of ISBNs listed without the existence of proper APIs. They would be updates to the DOI translator and/or an addition of a generic ISBN translator.You'd get them automatically. Thanks, but these are more policy decisions than technical undertakings.They're fairly trivial on a technical level.
You're certainly welcome to work on a translatorfor that site, though.
Galli, S.J., and M.Tsai.2010.Mast cells in allergy and infection: versatile effector and regulatory cells in innate and adaptive immunity.Eur.J.Immunol.40:1843–1851. Crossref
I've opened a pull requestwith this change (and some other improvements to the DOI translator).