Two particular DOIs not importing (but resolve from
Once the team helped me figure out my ISBN import issue so quickly, I remembered I had another, similar issue.
I am able to import paper information via doi just fine most of the time.I tried several just before writing this, and they all worked except for two:
188BET靠谱吗Both numbers resolve when I try them at, but Zotero cannot import the information.I suspect that the Edith Cowan research repository, which hosts both papers, has something to do with this.
188BET靠谱吗Zotero 5.0.84, Ubuntu 19.10, Debug ID D173961364
I am able to import paper information via doi just fine most of the time.I tried several just before writing this, and they all worked except for two:
188BET靠谱吗Both numbers resolve when I try them at, but Zotero cannot import the information.I suspect that the Edith Cowan research repository, which hosts both papers, has something to do with this.
188BET靠谱吗Zotero 5.0.84, Ubuntu 19.10, Debug ID D173961364
I've asked Datacite again if they're still planning on fixing this.If that's not the case, we'll look at implementing a local fix in the next 1-2months.
If Datacite fixes this on their end, it'll just start working again immediately.