CSL style: initialize given name at bibliography


I'm updating an ABNT style ( https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/pull/5058) that has a subtype, but I'm having problems with the second one.

How can I make that style show prenoms at bibliography abbreviated?


MAYER-SCHÖNBERGER, Viktor!CUKIER, Kenneth. Big data.Boston: Mariner Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014.

Should be like this:

MAYER-SCHÖNBERGER, V.!CUKIER, K. Big data.Boston: Mariner Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014.

Attribute "initialize" is already set as "true" and is not making a difference at bibliography.

Thank you!
  • initialize="true" is a default, you don't need to set it.What you do need to set is _how_ you want to initialize, i.e.
    initialize-with="."(this is actually in some of the code you're replacing)
  • Thank you!!

    Now I get it.And it makes sense that I need to specify each author that needs to have its given name initialized.

    Sorry for the trouble, I still need to learn a lot about CSL.
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