CSL style: subsequent author substitute

edited October 13, 2020

I'm working on a note style ( https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/blob/master/associacao-brasileira-de-normas-tecnicas-ufrgs-note-initials-with-ibid.csl) update and I'm having trouble to include a subsequent author in a citation (validator says that is not possible).

What I need is that this footnote:

BOOTHE, D.M.Drug therapy in cats: a therapeutic category approach. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Ithaca, v.196, n.10, p.1659–1669, 1990.
BOOTHE, D.M.Drug therapy in cats: mechanisms and avoidance of adverse drug reactions. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Ithaca, v.196, n.8, p.1297–1305, 1990

Should look like this:

BOOTHE, D.M.Drug therapy in cats: a therapeutic category approach. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Ithaca, v.196, n.10, p.1659–1669, 1990.
Id.Drug therapy in cats: mechanisms and avoidance of adverse drug reactions. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Ithaca, v.196, n.8, p.1297–1305, 1990.

I tried with subsequent-author-substitute attribute but it didn't work in citation.It is possible somehow?

  • No, CSL doesn't support idem for citations -- I don't think we're planning to (it's a terrible idea for citations, frankly, and thankfully increasingly rare)
  • I am currently trying to debug CSL styles and it appears that the MLA note style removes the author for subsequent references within the same citation group, e.g.

    Mark C.Marino, "Reading Culture Through Code", in The Routledge Companion to Media Studies and Digital Humanities, Ed.Jentery Sayers (London: Routledge, 2018), 472–91, "Why We Must Read the Code: The Science Wars: Episode IV", in Debates in the Digital Humanities, (Minneapolis, London: University of Minnesota Press, 2016).

    Unfortunately, I have no idea how to influence this behaviour.There is no attribute like subsequent-author-substituteon .
  • After digging through the schema files for CSL at https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/blob/master/schemas/styles/csl.rnc, I found that I was just not looking for the right term.This behaviour is set through @collapseon .
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