quickly create a open-pdf link
188BET靠谱吗Is there a way to quickly create a "zotero-openpdf on page x" link?
With zotfile this is possible, but to create the link is tideous.
Zutilo gives the feature to copy the link to "select" a given Item.
But I couldn't find any add-on which will create a "open-pdf" link option.
This would make life much easier to easily reference certain pdf-pages in other applications.
Any recommendations?
(With some knowledge about coding this seems easily to achieve, but I lack this ability completely ;)
With zotfile this is possible, but to create the link is tideous.
Zutilo gives the feature to copy the link to "select" a given Item.
But I couldn't find any add-on which will create a "open-pdf" link option.
This would make life much easier to easily reference certain pdf-pages in other applications.
Any recommendations?
(With some knowledge about coding this seems easily to achieve, but I lack this ability completely ;)
188BET靠谱吗zotero://open-pdf/0_[item links_from_zotlio]/[page_number]
1.The term [item links_from_zotlio] is from clicking "copy selected item links" on the pdf file you are interested rather than its parent item.
2.0_ seems to be a necessary term.
Similar ideas have been discussed 188BET靠谱吗https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/73776/create-external-link-to-open-pdf-within-zotero.
188BET靠谱吗- zotero://open-pdf/library/items/[itemKey]?page=[page]
188BET靠谱吗- zotero://open-pdf/groups/[groupID]/items/[itemKey]?page=[page]
It'd be nice to have some variation of Quick Copy where both the parent itemKey and the child (local PDF) itemKey are exportable via a simple translator.I looked at the CSV translator and it has an example of cycling through the parent item's attachments to get the filesystem path of a child PDF.188BET靠谱吗This could be parsed to extract the PDF's itemKey, but it seems kludgy unless you had very solid understanding of the Zotero API.
Can't imagine there's a perfect solution, since a parent item can have multiple PDF child items, so that'd be messy.
188BET靠谱吗The fastest way to get an open-pdf link in Zotero 6 is to drag an annotation from Zotero's built-in PDF reader and drop it on any text field you're working on.
I don't know how it's possible this eluded me for an entire year and more, and it's somewhat disheartening to discover, that after so much time spent researching this and making workarounds work, the solution would be so simple that nobody ever talked about it.
Just literally drag the annotation to your text field and you're done.
I would suggest opening a good old TXT file alongside your working Word document, and drop your annotations there to obtain the link.Then you can copy that link and paste it into Word.
Hope this helps!