iOS app - not showing all annotations
188BET靠谱吗I'm highlighting a PDF on Zotero for iPad, but the left sidebar is not showing all the phrases I've highlighted:!AjsmmAbO5NonkOQ2qzmuqRAtBynM2w
I also can't select them to edit or delete.Is this expected behavior?
Also, are there any news on the few things I've pointed out on the first day?Here: 188BET靠谱吗
Most importantly, now that I've used the app a bit more (and I love it), I still find editing and deleting highlights takes too many clicks
188BET靠谱吗I'm highlighting a PDF on Zotero for iPad, but the left sidebar is not showing all the phrases I've highlighted:!AjsmmAbO5NonkOQ2qzmuqRAtBynM2w
I also can't select them to edit or delete.Is this expected behavior?
Also, are there any news on the few things I've pointed out on the first day?Here: 188BET靠谱吗
Most importantly, now that I've used the app a bit more (and I love it), I still find editing and deleting highlights takes too many clicks
If you close the sidebar, what happens if you tap on them?
If you force-quit the app, does it still happen?
No annotations are showing on the file.Neither the ones that show correctly on the iPad nor the ones that don't...
I've checked that sync was complete on Windows, and they still show on the iPad the same way they were on the screenshot from Sunday
EDIT: Nevermind.They're showing now.But in the same way as in the iPad...!AjsmmAbO5NonkOlfYn0Ru-aCaduyyw?e=iqg9JY
If you expand the annotation widget in the sidebar on desktop, do you see extracted text for all of the highlights, or only the text from the first highlight?!AjsmmAbO5NonkOpPkda2d6VC-WkxDw?e=Ne9ATt!AjsmmAbO5NonkOs-XqrP0TSAQvAAFw?e=I96hBD!AjsmmAbO5NonkfBg8r20edj5YST5hA?e=73Z0jy
The only thing I did was highlight the phrase "Every single object (...) by a plan." lift the pencil and separately highlight the phrase "Nothing gets done without one."
It's behaving exactly like the other one: when I select one of the phrases, it draws a rectangle around both, and the phrase "Nothing gets done without one." doesn't appear on the annotations sidebar nor I can select it independently...
The annotation text on both files is still incomplete, both on Windows and iOS.It's still the same as in the screenshots.
Should those annotations already be displaying correctly (meaning showing all text highlighted), or is the fix only for new annotations made after the fix?