Bulk create/import subcollection tree
I would like to create about 90 collections and subcollections, but would rather not type it all in manually.I have it all in a text file with tab indents as well as actual Windows Folders/Subfolders.Is there any easy way to import this structure into Collections/Subcollections?
dstillmanYou could script it with the Run JavaScript window, but beyond that, no.
seeingtheforestedited April 1, 2021188BET靠谱吗I solved it with the Zotero Folder Import add-on ( 188BET靠谱吗https://github.com/retorquere/zotero-folder-import) and the copy utility here ( https://vovsoft.com/software/copy-files-into-multiple-folders/) to copy a text file to every subfolder, allowing the collection/folder structure to be created, then just deleted the dummy text files