Saving a YouTube link causing database problems?
188BET靠谱吗Hi, I've been using Zotero (unlimited storage) happily for months now.i only use my own laptop.188BET靠谱吗Today, I saved a bunch of journal articles/PDFs from JStor, all loaded correctly in Zotero, then saved a few YouTube video references and added notes/tags to them, all loaded fine in Zotero.Closed the program, and then 30 minutes later, I opened it again, and all the recent journal articles AND YouTube link references are gone.188BET靠谱吗When I search in where files are stored in Zotero file path, the journal article PDFs are THERE, but still not showing in Zotero window even after syncing.Closing, re-opening, re-syncing again, etc.I will re-upload those manually, but no sign of my YouTube webpage links or notes, etc.Has anybody had this issue?188BET靠谱吗Is there something weird about YouTube webpage links that corrupts a whole day's work in Zotero?Thank you!Samantha
How did you save the items?Items wouldn't be in a collection if you never added them to it or removed them from it. Shot 2021-07-17 at 4.20.07 PM.jpg?dl=0
188BET靠谱吗Note that the Zotero Connector saves to the selected collection in Zotero, so if, say, you had been saving to that collection, but then switched to My Library in Zotero and then went back to the browser and saved something else, it wouldn't save to the collection.
If you can reproduce a problem of something disappearing from a collection, we'd want to know the exact steps to do so, but there's no indication here that that happened.