I formatted my macbook.188BET靠谱吗I reinstalled Zotero.But I cannot import my files.I made a backup by saying export.I have the files but it is not working.
Sure, but I can't remember exactly.Because it's been a year.188BET靠谱吗As far as I remember, when I was in the Zotero program, I took a backup by selecting files - export and selecting notes and pdfs.
188BET靠谱吗Now I reinstalled Zotero and I click import but I don't know which file to choose.
Can you reach me on Whatsapp?We can examine it in more detail.
@fmuroNo, I saved it to my hard drive after exporting.After formatting, I restored the files from my hard drive to the computer, but I can't.Please contact me on Whatsapp today and let's solve it :(
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188BET靠谱吗A preferable Back-up would simply be the Zotero folder from your harddisk before formatting.Do you have a full hd backup, e.g.via Timemachine?
188BET靠谱吗If not, the export file to open is the .rdf File in the folder Zotero generated during export
Could you help me?
188BET靠谱吗Now I reinstalled Zotero and I click import but I don't know which file to choose.
Can you reach me on Whatsapp?We can examine it in more detail.
188BET靠谱吗A preferable Back-up would simply be the Zotero folder from your harddisk before formatting.Do you have a full hd backup, e.g.via Timemachine?
188BET靠谱吗If not, the export file to open is the .rdf File in the folder Zotero generated during export
I said so because it would be easier to share pictures and instant communication via Whatsapp.It's okay, I'll continue from here.
188BET靠谱吗I manually copied the Zotero files I backed up to my hard drive.My files are in the picture in the link.
Really thank you so much.I succeeded.I solved the problem and I am very happy.