188BET靠谱吗Looking forward to Zotero for Android
I'm happy that there's a new iOS app.I wish I could try it, but I swapped out my Apple products years ago.I know this has been requested by many, but I want to say anew that I really hope you can port the app to Android.I'm sure that there's plenty of us Android users who would be very grateful.188BET靠谱吗I'd be surprised if such an app didn't boost Zotero's users and subscribers.188BET靠谱吗Zotero is such a central part of my work that not only do I pay for a subscription, but I'd be willing to pay for a good app.
188BET靠谱吗In the meantime, Zoo for Zotero works fairly well for syncing PDFs, but it has plenty of bugs.188BET靠谱吗Moreover, it likely isn't compatible with Zotero 6's new annotations unless they are written into ther PDF itself.188BET靠谱吗But Zoo hasn't been updated for almost a year, and I wouldn't be surprised if the developer is expecting the Zotero team to remove the need for Zoo by porting the Zotero app to Android.
Thanks again.Keep up the good work.
188BET靠谱吗In the meantime, Zoo for Zotero works fairly well for syncing PDFs, but it has plenty of bugs.188BET靠谱吗Moreover, it likely isn't compatible with Zotero 6's new annotations unless they are written into ther PDF itself.188BET靠谱吗But Zoo hasn't been updated for almost a year, and I wouldn't be surprised if the developer is expecting the Zotero team to remove the need for Zoo by porting the Zotero app to Android.
Thanks again.Keep up the good work.
(both btw.188金宝慱亚洲F1among the first 5 search results for "Android" on the forums)
adamsmith, don't worry, I did search before posting.Neither thread was directly concerned with requesting an Android app, however, although they do mention the desire for such an app.It would be bad form for me to bring the threads further off-topic, so I made a new one instead.
I hope a good Android developer answers the ad.I'll have to find ways to mention it to potential devs every chance I get...
I would've though Android has more priority than ios, given that some 85% of all devices are Android, while iOS is really only common in the US with just over 50% share ( https://www.mobileapps.com/blog/android-vs-ios-market-share).So much that when I bought an iOS cable by mistake once I couldn't find any colleague or friend who was able to use it....
So, please, do put resources into Android and I would also be happy to pay a contribution (as I have done to Zoo, which is ok and usable occasionally, but very basic and understandably lacks resources for development).