Feature Suggestion

188BET靠谱吗Zotero newbie, so let me first say thank you to all of the developers for the many years of hard work and continued dedication to making this a great tool for all.188BET靠谱吗I have worked with a number of ref managers and am transitioning completely now to Zotero.

188BET靠谱吗I see that there are many new features in the works, so not sure if this has been discussed, but one thing that I would find extremely useful would be the ability to highlight part of a bibliographic reference within a pdf and tell Zotero to search my library for it.This would be a great quick way to know if I already have the reference.Perhaps it could even bring up the results in a list like the insert citation plugins, we could then chose the ref if it already exists and even make it related.Doing all that within the pdf viewer would be a great time saver and make for nice and smooth workflow.
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