Is it possible to add the same item as "related" to muliple other items in one operation?
I want to use the "related" feature to mark if I found article A in the bibliography of article B.I now have a list of articles which are all connected to article B.Is there a way to add article B as a related item in one go?As far as I can tell, the "related" pane disappears as soon as you select more than one item.
bwiernikInstall the Zutilo plugin and it adds "Related Selected Items" to the right-click menu
G-RadiationI know of the "relate selected items" option from Zutilo.However, all that does is it relates all the items in the selection between themselves.What I want to do is relate them to a single, defined item.
mjthoravalCan you do it from article B? 188BET靠谱吗//