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- alexanderschuster
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Thank for reacting to my invitation, @jeroenwasteels This is not intended to be a permanent engagement, as I hope domestic citation styles are permanently reviewed.Indeed, they are fairly static.I hope there'll be the possibility to build a smal…
Now I see how to send messages to user, thanks!I still hope to read comments on how to improve the use of Juris-M in continental Europe!Alexander
@bwiernik, I am sorry, I can't find the message button.Anyhow, yes, I am aware of the Style development links.However, it seems appropriate to change some label, use some fields and agree on some basic syntax among basic jurisdictions.It's not ju…
I installed today's final version of the plugin and it solved the issue indeed.Thank you for making me a happy Juris-M user again!;-)
Frank: you mean a title of an attachment, of an item...I can't find the item that blocks sync from one machine.The install of the Juris-M plugin for Firefox on the other machine syncs perfectly...mumble mumble
OK, thanks!So one needs to act strategically when deciding which item to associate first, good to know.
Picking up on this.188BET靠谱吗Is there a why to decide which action (link to URL, file, snapshot etc.) Zotero takes if an item is double-clicked?It seems that it associates the action to the very first documents that is "attached" to the item.If you add som…
Thanks.I'll try to fix it.It does seem to work, though.I'll send you maybe screenshots per e-mail...
I do not know whether this question deserves a new thread.Considering MLZ and MLZ OSCOLA style.Assume I have an item with title in French and a variant in English, for instance case-law (at least the connector versus/against varies in languages).…
Thanks!It's true, also just linking from the very beginning creates one or two files.
Well, 'cause I'd like to clean-up.OK, it's < 1kb, but it seems a useless folder.188BET靠谱吗Curiously enough, another user raise the same issue here: So I am aware of your ans…
Right with the Word add-on, but I also referred to the "RELATED" tab, "Add" button in the Firefox plugin.I use it quite often.
Sorry to refresh an old thread.Is this script still the most appropriate solution?Does it solve the following situation?188BET靠谱吗I have several folder with one or both of these files: .zotero-ft-cache .zotero-ft-info Rarely empty folders.I believe this …
Webdav, with some clever tricks to identify the path, was supported under SkyDrive, then it was discontinued some years ago.
Thanks for pointing this out.I'lle keep an eye open.188BET靠谱吗I actually use ZotFile, but rely on the Zotero Storage directory for snapshots etc.I will (try to) have a look at error reports to figure out the pending issues.I've just checked a report for o…
Hi there.Solved.It had nothing to do with long titles of an item, I was mislead by similar text between the title of a note and a title.The problem is that notes of an item that embed screenshots won't sync.I had to remove the embedded picture …
Sorry, I failed to add that I can't report the error because I get this message when trying to do it: "Invalid response from repository".Same message if report is sent from the window triggered by the red exclamation mark or via the Advanced prefer…
It would be good to have a short-cut to transfer a link to e.g.188BET靠谱吗a PDF file (not the target object itself, as currenty happens with a pure drag-and-drop) to the Zotero item, by extending for instance the newly introduced short-cut to link a file.
Re Jurisdiction European Court of Human Rights, there is a need to add: European Court of Human Rights|Grand Chamber which is the en banc formation of the Court, very important.We also need to add at least the Court of Justice of the EU (w…
An urgent addition is Council of Europe|European Court of Human Rights This has 5 "Sections", i.e.divisions ( and a "Grand Chamber" It w…
I'm using it.One remark: When I type in new courts (i.e.European Court of Human Rights - missing!- or Italian courts), I see that the list of MZL does not memorize them, so every time I have to type it in rather than selecting a previous entry.…
If I can be of any help for the EURLEX translator, let me know.Perhaps the guys in Brussels that two years ago launched the new EurLex website would be willing to help out.After all, it's an added value to portal.I wanted to raise the point durin…
ECLI identifiers for the EU Member States are assigned by a national authority.So far also Italy has defined a standard.I saw a slide-show reporting it, but would have to look and find the list.This said, I would greatly support the idea of …
@zuphilip: I read the blog.188BET靠谱吗The author focuses on the use of Zotero with legal literature, but says little about how he manages to exploit it to fruitfully cite German case-law.This is the real problem when it comes to applying it to civil law.…